Blam! Wonder Woman Gloves

This is what I felt like at the beginning of the project

Sometime last…oh, I don’t know, maybe April, I was reading my Twitter feed and the lovely Karen Mahoney (a fellow Deadline Dame) was tweeting about a very cool pair of Wonder Woman fingerless gloves someone had knit. She teased that maybe I’d knit her a pair.  Since I love knitting fingerless gloves, and have a certain fondness for Karen, I said I’d love to.

I checked out the Wonder Woman gloves other knitters had posted and liked them a lot, but decided to design my own pattern.

Seriously, people.  I always think designing a knitting pattern will take no time at all and work perfectly the first time through. It is like I have this blind spot in my logic goggles when it comes to knitting (and often writing, but let’s not talk about that shall we?)  I never remember that designing a pattern takes trials, errors, time, time, time, and math.  Math!  O_o! I’m a writer for a reason, you know.

Okay, so I drew several versions of a  pattern, started thinking stitch count and yarn weight and needle size and graphing and weight and fit. Have I done this before? Yes, indeed.  But every project has its foibles.  I settled on the idea of darker, more modern-looking colors, trying to kind of “urbanize” Wonder Woman’s look.  And while I was trying to mimic her iconic outfit, I decided right off to get rid of the white stars.

But I still wanted to have the “star” feeling, so I browsed knit stitches for something that resembled a five-point star.  Not a lot I liked, which meant I had to resort to lace work.

Lace? Lace! I will destroy you!!

Lace is my nemesis. It does not like me on a good day and is my torture every other.  I knit the entire glove, lace and all, which took me much, much longer than it should have.  Seriously, I think we could have landed a manned mission on Mars in the time it took me to knit that glove.

And I hated it. The lace was icky, the cool color-work parts wonky.  Back to the drawing board.

I abandoned that glove, chose a new lace pattern, and started knitting again.  Got it right this time after several failed launches (I probably knit and ripped out the cuff section on each glove over a dozen times.  Lace + me = @#!*) But finally, finally, this glove was starting to resemble the idea I had in my head.

Once I finished both gloves, I was hesitant to send them to Karen. I saw the flaws.  All of them.  I saw what I wanted to make and what I had actually made, and they didn’t exactly line up.  (Plus, the damn threads unknotted–from a break in the skein–in the middle of the frickin-frakin lace pattern! I had to do repairs in lace before it had ever been worn!)

But they were finally done, and I promised them to her, so I sent them off.  She just got them yesterday.  And she LOVES them!  I am so happy and relieved! She likes them! She really does!   And now, let me show you pictures:

Kaz's Wonder Woman Gloves - modeled by Stormy









I made the cuff a little longer for actual warmth, and to balance the red-to-blue ratio.

Kaz's Wonder Woman Gloves - modeled by Bonnie










The gold at the wrist and the top is a metallic thread, and a little scratchier than I’d hoped. But the gold gave it such “pop” I kept it instead of going with my original idea of a butter-cream yellow.


gloves in bright sunlight









They look like they’re two different sizes, but I promise you they’re not! (much) 😉

close up of star lace pattern









And here’s the lace that hates me. It doesn’t look evil does it?

Blam! Take that lace! These gloves are bullet proof.

This project is done!


    • Devon

      I probably will. I didn’t keep clean notes, so I’ll have to do a bit of fiddling to get the stitch count correct. Maybe I’ll just put up a “guideline” instead of “rule” for how to knit them. 🙂

    • Devon

      I probably will. I didn’t keep clean notes, so I’ll have to do a bit of fiddling to get the stitch count correct. Maybe I’ll just put up a “guideline” instead of “rule” for how to knit them. 🙂

      • Diana Troldahl

        Just the other day Knit Picks came out with Stroll ‘Glimmer’ a sparkly fingering weight. I understand you being under the gun book-wise, I may play around with a similar (but different) design using the sparkly stuff. With the first name of Diana, when I was a kid I thought I could grow up to become any tv character with that name. I SO wanted to be Diana Prince!

        Anyway, I have two or three patterns I should finish before playing with the Wonder Woman stuff :-{