Stone Cold is Out! + Free Stuff

Stone Cold final 500

STONE COLD is officially out today!  This is book #2 in the Broken Magic series, and I am so excited to share it with you all! *cue the confetti!*

If you’d like read some reviews of STONE COLD and interviews with me, check out these blogs that are giving away copies of STONE COLD: here, here, here, and here.

My Newsletter is chock full of good stuff this month!  I am giving away a signed copy of HELL BENT and STONE COLD to one lucky subscriber. You can sign up right here on the sidebar of my blog if you’d like to receive the newsletter.  The newsletter is a quarterly thing, and I keep it fun, share some behind-the-scenes goodies, and offer up a free treat or two.

Which brings me to this.  There’s one more thing I’ll be giving away to a lucky newsletter subscriber. This guy:

teeny stone 1

teeny Stone 2

Yes! That is a teeny-tiny Stone the Gargoyle I designed and knit.  I’ll be picking a winner for him out of my newsletter subscriber list on Friday the 4th, so if you’d like to get in the running to own him, there’s still time to sign up!


  • Mashiara

    I got lucky when an overachiever at B&N put the books out early. Devoured it already. Loved it!

  • Deborah Blake

    Woot! We’re release week sisters! (My latest book from Llewellyn came out yesterday.)

  • miki

    ^^ the newsletter giveaway comes right on time for me since the giveaway in teh blog tour are US only and me international ( and i’m behind in teh series so i need both books^^) *fingers crossed*

    Stone is also super cute, you will make your followers really happy this time

    congrats on teh new release and i hope you will have a lot of success this time again^^

  • Tigger

    A tiny Stone? That is so cool! And cute! And I’m very glad I’m subscribed right now because a tiny Stone?!?!