Happy Release Day!

Today is my friend, and fellow Deadline Dame Karen Mahoney’s US release day for her book THE IRON WITCH. Huzzah!  Hooray, Kaz!!  Congratulations!!

To celebrate, she is giving away TWO SIGNED copies over on the Deadline Dames today.  Why not go say hi to her there, and put your name in the running to win her book?  She would love to hear from you, and you could win a free book!

While you’re there, why not say hi to Jenna Black, another friend and fellow Deadline Dame, and put your name in the running for her book giveaway too!  She’s offering up a copy of  GLIMMERGLASS or SHADOWSPELL.  Free!!

But wait! There’s more!!  Dame for a Day Joss Ware is also giving out the first book in her new series, BEYOND THE NIGHT to one lucky winner!

So much free book goodness!!  I think I need to go sit down and fan myself now.  Whew!