Giving her all she’s got, Captain

In the last three weeks I’ve copy edited DEAD IRON (book 1 of the Age of Steam series) and written about 50,000 words to finish the draft of  MAGIC ON THE LINE (book 7 of the Allie Beckstrom series).  MAGIC ON THE LINE needs to be turned in by March 1st.  That means I have one week to take a very rough manuscript and make it shine.  It’s gonna be a busy week!

All this writing and deadline stuff has put me a bit behind on answering emails, blogging/etc., though I do try to check Twitter and Facebook every day.  If I owe you an email, I’ll try to catch up over the next few days, promise.

I have, however, discovered where my missing thimbles have been going.  Found on my desk. A dapper little alien: