Good News!


Sorry people, in my excitement, I meant to say we are in negotiations to sell rights to the UK.  And if the deal goes through, there will be other side of the road driving coolness, and electronic sales.

I’m such an idiot sometimes.  I really should read my email more carefully.  So, instead of the good news shout out, this is a keep your fingers crossed shout out. 🙂


Currently working on the 7th Allie Beckstrom book.  Like each book before it, it is writing differently than the others.  This one’s heavy on dialogue, which is fun, but presents its own challenges.  Quite to my surprise, a character I did not plan into the series elbowed his way into the storyline and is making himself very useful indeed.

Welcome, new character.  Have a cup of coffee.  Try not to get yourself killed.

Since this is one of the last three books of the series, it has to do a lot of things plot-wise, and character-wise, and oh-m-gee we’re gonna die-wise to stand as its own book and also to build up to the last two books which will close out the big series arc.  Writing it is tricky and hard.  But I’m having a great time watching this book play out.  And I hope, when it’s finished, that it will be a tight, exciting read.

The book needs to be handed in by March, so I’m pounding on the word counts.  That’s where the blog silence comes in, I’m afraid.   I’ll do my best to check in at least a couple times a week, but I might not be blogging every day (though I always Facebook/Twitter every day–you can find & chat with me there!)–which brings me to….


Every Friday, until the first week in April when MAGIC O THE HUNT is released, I’ll post an excerpt or discarded scene from the Allie Beckstrom books.

While making a comment on Facebook/Twitter the other night about my daily writing progress, someone thought I said that I’d written a 1,000 word shower scene.  O_o?  And then someone else said they really wished I WOULD write a 1,000 word shower scene. o_O!  And I said, well, maybe I will write a 1,000 word shower scene.

I’m thinking it would be fun to write it as a snippet I could share instead of a scene that will be published in the books.

What do you think?  Want to see a shower scene with some of your favorite characters out of the Allie Beckstrom books?

Oh, really?  Which characters do you want to see getting all wet and steamy?  Hmmm?