Stone the Gargoyle Knitting Pattern

For anyone who has been looking for my knit gargoyle pattern, I have updated it (made corrections) and you can find it here:

Stone the Gargoyle Knitting Pattern

Stone comes in two sizes.  Small…

…and big!

But the pattern is the same for both–it’s only the yarn and needle size that changes.

He comes in one style.  Adorable:

And besides being a super awesome gargoyle buddy who will keep you safe from things that go bump in the night, he is also an avid reader:

I will be giving away the big Stone pictured here.  More details on that, as soon as I have them!


  • Mashiara

    Very cool. If I won, I suppose the honorable thing to do would be to let my two year old play with him. Is it a bad thing that I wouldn’t want to share it with her? 🙂

  • Karen

    I wish I could knit this – I wish I could knit (sigh). My grandmother tried to teach me for years! I can cross stich, do needlepoint, crewel and petit point, but I’m completely knitting-challenged. So sad.

  • Jessica S.

    I have no knitting talent whatsoever, but I would so love to have a cute cuddly Stone!! He’s adorable! I would set him on my bookshelf right next to my Allie books!

  • jammastere

    So cute! I would love to have the chance to win one as yet another knitting challanged person. It is so cute and I would keep it for myself, my kids have enought stuffed toys of their own:)

  • Nikki

    Would someone please take pity on the unartistic and make me one??? He is soooo cute!! Will pay someone to do it for me!! I appreciate the person who takes me seriously!! I fell in love with the Magic series and Stone would be an awesome addition on my bookcase!!!