Friday Fragment – MAGIC ON THE HUNT

MAGIC ON THE HUNT will be out in 4 days!

I have heard it is already in some stores, but I have no idea which stores at this point.

Even though the book isn’t *supposed* to be on the shelves until the 5th, the books themselves have (hopefully) arrived in the stores before the 5th.Ā  Unless it has a hard release date boldly noted on the outside of the box, sometimes the store staff will put the book out early.

What difference does it make?Ā  Well, if an author or publisher is expecting a book to hit the “lists” (New York Bestseller, etc.) books bought before the actual release date don’t count, so those sales don’t help push the numbers up to bestsellerdom.Ā  Also, since the electronic copy is set to release on the actual release day, people who are waiting for the ebook may stumble upon the hard copy early but still not be able to download the ebook until release day.

What difference does it make to *me*?Ā Ā  I don’t know.Ā  On the one hand, I’d love to have a book actually hit that bestseller list some day.Ā  On the other, I totally understand why staff puts out new stock when they get it.Ā  I guess mostly I am just happy readers are out there looking for it!

So…what the heck!Ā  I am officially giving away three copies of MAGIC ON THE HUNT!Ā  Leave a comment here (blog, facebook, livejournal, whathaveyou) and I will draw three names on Sunday the 3rd, and mail the books out Monday.

This is not the only giveaway I have planned.Ā  Remember that gargoyle I knitted?Ā  I’ll hold a contest for him on Tuesday, April 5th. More on that soon.

But for now….it’s time for Friday Fragment! Over the last several weeks, I’ve been posting an excerpt or scene from the Allie Beckstrom novels.Ā  Today’s excerpt comes from MAGIC ON THE HUNT.

Spoilers ahoy!Ā  If you don’t want some of the story revealed before you get the book in your hands, then click away now.Ā  Thank you for coming by!




Zayvion cast a very delicate spell, spoke a word, and then hooked his pinky as if catching a part of the spell. He continued to whisper that word, then walked to the next window and cast another spell, saying another similar word, hooking his pinky, and then walking to the next window.

Shame walked behind him. I took a step to follow, but Shame held his hand up, telling me to stay. It took only a minute or two for Zay to complete the counterclockwise circumnavigation of the building. Then he was beside me and said one final word, spreading his hands wide.

A doorway opened in front of him where the stained-glass windows had just been. Zay and Shame stepped through, and so did I.

The room should not exist. For one thing, Iā€™d just been on the bottom floor and looked up at all the empty space above and hadnā€™t sensed any magical Illusions. But whatever spell Zay had used revealed this separate, hidden room. The walls were still marble, but there were no stained-glass windows, even though I knew very well the windows were there.

Or maybe the windows were the Illusion and this was the reality of the structure. But it wasnā€™t just the walls that caught my attention. The floor was made of dark glass, and glyphs in gold and green glowed beneath the glass. Zay and Shame both cast separate spells, and the glyphs bent to the motion of their hands like a wheat field rolls beneath the wind.

Vertigo hit me, and it felt like everything rotated a degree to the left. And then the room was not just a room anymore.

I hadnā€™t moved. Hadnā€™t taken a single step. But the room was now twice as wide and twice as tall. There were several heavy lead and glass doors that radiated magic along the wall. Illusions within Illusions. No wonder no one could break out of this place.

Shame walked to the door on the west side and stopped in front of it.

ā€œI could break it, but Iā€™ll make a mess of it,ā€ he said.

Zay looked at it. ā€œWho worked it when you came before?ā€

ā€œVictor. Itā€™s old stuff. Archaic.ā€

ā€œYou didnā€™t want to tell us you didnā€™t have the spell to get through the door?ā€ I asked.

Shame bit down on a grin. ā€œI just told you I can do it. Itā€™s just that it will be noticeable.ā€

ā€œHow noticeable?ā€

ā€œSomeone-in-Troutdale-will-probably-call-911 noticeable,ā€ he said. ā€œZay might have a softer touch. Z?ā€

He shook his head. ā€œI see how itā€™s cast. And I can see the obvious ways to break it. And all of those end up in an explosion.ā€

I wondered if Dad knew how. He was pretty good with archaic. Dad? Do you know how to open it?


I was a little surprised he answered me after being quiet for so long.

Then open it.

ā€œDad can do it,ā€ I said. They both looked at me.

Shame narrowed his eyes. ā€œThink heā€™ll screw us?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think we have time enough to care,ā€ I said.

ā€œThatā€™s a sure way to get killed,ā€ Shame said. ā€œBrainless, reckless.ā€ He turned to Zay. ā€œI like her.ā€

ā€œAllieā€”,ā€ Zay began.

ā€œWe need fast, and Dad can do fast.ā€