Signed books and prizes

On May 31, Ilona and Gordon Andrews will be at Powell’s Books in Beaverton, Oregon signing for the big release day of MAGIC SLAYS!

Lili St. Crow will be there too, signing DEFIANCE!

I will be there, signing MAGIC ON THE HUNT!

I  hope we make Powell’s ship more books from a three-author signing event than ever before in their history! Is that even possible? I don’t know! I know Ilona Andrew’s books are wonderful, and you should totally buy a signed copy, and Lili St. Crow’s books are wonderful and you should totally buy a signed copy. And I know I need to hold up my end of the “let’s make Powell’s ship a bunch of books” bargain.

So here’s the deal: If you go to Powell’s Books website and pre-order a signed copy of MAGIC ON THE HUNT to be mailed to you, I will SIGN the book  AND I will include with the book the entire first chapter of MAGIC ON THE LINE, which won’t be out until November.

MAGIC ON THE LINE hasn’t had a single excerpt revealed in print or on line anywhere. There aren’t even ARCs available yet.

For anyone who’s been a little surprised upon finding a chapter from my upcoming steampunk DEAD IRON in the back of MAGIC ON THE HUNT instead of a chapter from MAGIC ON THE LINE (and has sent me emails asking if I’m writing any more Allie books) here’s your chance to read an entire chapter of the next book!

I’m only going to print enough sample chapters for the pre-orders Powell’s Books receives. So if you want one, pre-order the signed book on or before May 31st. I’ll also have enough for people buying the book on the night of the event.


Q: If I come to the store with an already purchased MAGIC ON THE HUNT in hand for you to sign, do I get a sample chapter?

A: Yes. Because you are awesome for buying the book, and it would break my heart to tell you no.


Q: What if I already bought the book, and CAN’T come to the signing and DON’T want to order a new copy? Do I get a sample chapter?

A: First, THANK YOU for buying the book! You are also awesome!  But since the whole idea is a special perk for the Powell’s Book signing…um…no.

But wait!

Q: What if I think you’re totally unfair and hate you forever for excluding me from reading the sample?

A: Sigh…okay, listen. Probably around September-October I’ll post an excerpt of the upcoming book on my web page. You will get a chance to see most of what people will be reading.  But it won’t be signed, lovely….or have the little bit from Chapter Two I’m might include just for fun.


Q: Are you really going to write more Allie Books?

A: Yes. Yes, I am. Nine books in total, so there are three yet to come. 🙂




  • Meagan Watts

    Ok, I’m going to be a little snarky here and add another scenario just to make things interesting. What if I already came to one of your readings, bought a book and had you sign it, but I come to Powells and buy either Lilith’s or Ilona’s new book, with my signed copy of MotHunt in hand? Could I get a copy of the new chapter then? Don’t you just loooove snarky fans?

    • Devon

      Not snarky at all.

      Yes. If you bring the bought, signed copy of MAGIC ON THE HUNT in, and buy Lili or Ilona’s books, I will give you a sample chapter. 🙂

  • jammastere

    Coming to the signing, dragging my friend along with me, and already pre-ordered my copy! Can’t wait!!

  • SL

    you should write at least more than 10 Allie Beckstorm books not not just 9,i now sad there are only 9 books 🙁

    • Devon

      Oh no! Don’t be sad. Nine is the perfect number for the story that needs to be told. Who knows, maybe there will be other/different Allie books in the future. 🙂

  • Kt

    My friends and I are so excited about the signing, but I was wondering, will you just be signing Magic on the Hunt, or are you open to signing the other books if we already own them?

  • Jen

    It’s an 11 hour drive to Oregan!!! On a Tuesday night! I can’t make it 🙁 I’ve been looking everywhere for someone to pick up a book for me ( I already have the book, just not signed 🙁 – Maybe you’ll have extras for a giveaway after the signing??

  • Laurel Newberry

    My daughter Rose and I will be there to buy a second copy for you to sign. She gets the new one and I’ll bring the one I bought the day it came out. 😉
    We are looking forward to reading the first chapter of Magic On The Line, and will be anxiously awaiting the rest of the A.B. series.