Dead Iron Giveaway

Dead Iron is coming out next week! Next. Week.

My first steampunk novel will be in the wild world on July 5th, looking for readers who like a tale filled with monsters and magic, guns and gears, heroes and heartbreak, all wrapped up in a bit of old west steam wonderment.

I am, predictably, terrified and excited and hopeful, as I am with most new releases.Β  I really loved writing this book and have so many plans for the characters and the world.Β  As a matter of fact, I’m working on book 2 right this very minute (well, not THIS minute, but you know THAT minute) and can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

To celebrate the almost release, I am giving away five copies of Dead Iron! This is a short turn-around contest, so I can get them mailed and on your doorstep by release day.Β  Ready?

Just leave a comment about any old thing–book you’re reading, vacation you’re taking, movie you’re watching, things you’re doing this fine summertime–on my blog, or Facebook, or LiveJournal.

I will pull 3 (three) US only winners Thursday midnight PST, and post the winners’ names. I will immediately mail Dead Iron in such a way that it will arrive by the 5th (I know we have a pesky holiday on the 4th with no mail service, but I think I can get it to land on your doorstep on the 5th if I make quick like a bunny to the post office on Friday.)Β  To get it in time, you’ll need to give me your mailing address as soon as you can.

I will pull 2 (two) international winners, but cannot get Dead Iron to you by release day.Β  πŸ™Β  I will mail it as soon as I get your address though.

That’s FIVE copies of Dead Iron up for grabs!Β  Okay.Β  You know what to do….go, go, go!



  • Melissa (My words and pages)

    Congrats on the new book and release coming soon! It sounds AMAZING! πŸ™‚

    Oh, I’ll not be doing to much this summer with all we are doing with the house. But on my vacation week, I plan on watching the Harry Potter movies to refresh my memory and catch anything I missed (always something new spotted when I watch) to be ready for the final movie coming out July 15th. πŸ˜‰ It’s always fun to relax and just kick back some.

    US resident

  • Chris

    I just finished Magic on the Hunt about a month ago, and I’ve been looking forward to this book coming out as a way to keep me occupied until we get more Allie Beckstrom. Looking forward to this book almost as much that.

  • Corrie

    Hey Devon,
    I am thrilled with this new release, I have been sitting around reading other things that don’t quite bring the anticipation and joy that your novels bring. So thanks!

    Speaking of anticipation, right now I am bouncing between absolute excitment and dread for the last Space Shuttle Launch down in Cape Canaveral on July 8th. Go Atlantis!

  • Jeff Lageson

    I was sent a copy of The Childrens Hospital several months ago. It is a big bold novel that i now find myself very much into and am looking forward the the email exchange with the friend who sent it to me.

  • Poppy

    At the moment I’m reading Black Dust Mambo by Adrian Phoenix. Before that I read Feed by Mira Grant which was just so awesome! I’m happy there are so many good books out there to read πŸ™‚

    Congrats on the new book coming out I hope to get to read it soon!

  • Jenn S

    Love your other books, love steampunk, can’t wait to read this! Just finished reading Magic Slays, and I’m not quite sure what I’ll read this weekend, but I’m sure your book will be next after that!

  • Kia C.

    It’s s busy summer for me! Lots of family visiting, a vacation and getting both of my little ones prepared for their first year of school. I, too am going to reread Harry Potter and have a movie marathon in preparation if DH part 2. And people say that summer is a time to relax.

  • jennifer stapletob

    Just finished Magic in the Hunt. I reread the whole series before it, and fell in love all over again. I love your books and can’t wait for Dead Iron!!

  • monique killingbeck

    lm chillen in the sun laying in the hammock w a drink (yes alcoholic) reading in ontario canada πŸ™‚ cheers

  • Simcha

    Congratulations on your upcoming book release and I would love the opportunity to win a copy of Dead Iron. I’ve been reading a lot of steampunk lately and Dead Iron sounds like a book that I would very much enjoy.
    I don’t have any vacation plans to tell you about but I did just finish several books that I really enjoyed including Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews, Heat Wave by “Richard Castle” and The Company we Keep by Robert and Dayna Baer.

    PS. I live outside the US

  • Zia

    Im reading the new Janet Evanovich book. Im excited to hear you are doing a steampunk book. Love steampunk!

  • Debbie Tisdale

    Going to Washington D.C. this summer for the first time. Taking the kiddos to see everything. Love to read just about anything but thinking about re-reading all my Harry Potter Books! Congrats on your new book!

  • Emma Smith


    Your book sounds fantastic! I haven’t read much steampunk before but it seems to be a genre that’s really taken off lately so I’d love the chance to read it & review it for my blog πŸ™‚

    Currently reading The Homecoming of Samuel Lake! Brilliant book so far!

    Good luck with the writing of book 2!


  • Lisa

    I’ve been so excited for this release since I saw it and met you at the Powell’s book signing last month. Congratulations!

  • miki

    i was anxiously awaiting this message^^;;
    Since i discovered your work i can’t wait for your next book. So thanks you for thinking about your international readers

    i’m currently helping my mother because she fell some time ago and was incapacited so now a lot of work to do and my help, after the exams, will be a huge thing for her

    thanks again

  • Xid Trebor

    I’ve enjoyed your other books and am excited to read your venture into steampunk.

    Last weekend was a free HBO/Cinemax preview, so I caught up on a lot of movies I’ve missed – and the one that blew me away was “Inception” – still thinking about it.

    Reading Yasmine Galenorn’s “Night Veil” to get ready for her new release and re-reading Ilona’s newest, since I blew through them as fast as I could the first time.

    Hope you’re having a great summer as well.

  • Tamara

    Yaaaay! I am so excited for this book! (I’m from Brazil)

    Anyway, right this second (you know what I mean LOL), I’m reading The Hunger Games. It’s sooo good. I can’t believe I waited this long. Stupid me, swearing off YA ¬¬. Ironically, I started reading YA again because of those articles against YA. So, I guess, maybe, I should… thank them? Whatever. Can’t wait for July 5th!!!

  • Readsalot81

    Yay!! Dead Iron looks awesome, I cannot wait! πŸ™‚ I just finished up Kasey Mackenzie’s Green Eyed Envy. Great book! πŸ˜€ And ummm yeah, if you ever go to Trader joes, don’t buy their mini ice cream cones or bars. It literally is crack in the form of food, you can’t eat just one. (I’m saying this as I’m grabbing another one from the freezer)

  • Asura C

    For summer, we are hitting old fashioned carousels and taking the Northwest Amtrak. Dead Iron sounds amazing. I have loved what I have found online. Fantastic characters you have created.

  • Kaya H

    Just Finished Magic Slays and cannot wait for more. For summer?! Reading and school. And books, glorious glorious books.

  • Teri Crosby

    Well, we broke the bank taking the kids to Disneyland for spring break so there will be many hours at home crafting of some sort, that and summer camps for kids. For me the last book I read was FEAST by Merrie Destefano and it was the awesomesauce!

  • Cameron Yeager

    Currently trying to break my reading goal for my local Library’s Summer Reading Program. Last year I read 25 books, this year I want to make it 30. Yeah, I’m a bit of an overachiever at times. πŸ˜€ Would love to add this book to the list of books read this summer! Be a nice change from all the Cat Who books by Lilian Jackson Braun.

    US resident in case you’re wondering. =^-^=

  • Kryss

    Just finishing up Larsson’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Can’t wait for Dead Iron though!

  • Christina Wilson

    I’m getting so desperate for a new book, I’m trolling’s free/uber-cheap Kindle downloads!

  • evilqueen21

    Yay! Congrats on the new release can’t wait to read it! My sister & family is coming up to NY from NC for our big 4th of July bash, there will be delicious bbq, bonfires and loads of fun- So excited! Hope your holiday is a blast as well! πŸ™‚

  • Katie

    CAN’T WAIT for Dead Iron! I just started a new series by Kevin Hearne . The Iron Druid series, not steam punk but a lot of fun! Also getting ready to read Black Heart Loa by Adrian phoenix.

  • Brittany Green

    My husband and I will be vacationing with our daughters (3 and 1) in Ocean City NJ. We have our bikes outfitted with kid seats for bike rides, and I bought tickets for a pirate cruise for our older daughter in Mays Landing. I read around 3 to 4 books a week but currently reading The Reluctant Suitor by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. It was given to me so I’m giving it a go. I just finished Night Rising by Chris Marie Green.

    NJ USA resident πŸ™‚

  • Keira

    Congratulations on the new release! I am in Australia, really hope I win one of the international books that you are sending πŸ™‚ I just finished reading the Well of Shades by Juliet Marillier.

  • dragongirl46

    I just won your last give away… but the book looks so shiny and pretty… I’m an international entry. I just finished Janet Evanovich’s latest book and really enjoyed it. I’ve also re-read Ilona’s newest book and short story I think 3-4 time since it came out. Good luck to everyone!

  • Kristie

    Hi Devon πŸ™‚
    Well it’s winter here in Australia (especially Tasmania where I live )
    Such great weather for reading and watching DVDs currently watching supernatural (I’m so in love with dean Winchester wwrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! )also read and reread magic slays πŸ™‚ only just stumbled across steampunk with the reading of the iron duke which was great . I am really looking foward to your book and the series too well keep at it and love your funny tweets too ……

  • Mashiara

    I wish I was taking a nice long vacation to someplace with a beach and cold drinks with little umbrellas, but alas, no. Maybe next year.

    Good luck with the release! I look forward to reading your new book.

  • christina

    I am reading “Phoenix Rising – A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel” by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris. I love steampunk be it in books, music, clothes or art. I am looking forward to getting “Dead Iron” and Gail Carriger’s “Heartless”, which are the next two purchases on my list.

  • Tina R.

    I am spending the summer finding new-to-me authors (while waiting between releases from my favorites.) Have found Eileen Wilks, Gail Carriger, Lauren Dane, Patrick Rothfuss and Stacey Jay. Also cursing my NookColor a bit. I swear the battery keeps running out at a quicker and quicker pace since I got it. I need it to stay charged for more than 5 hours at a time!

  • NatarshaOz

    I just finished reading a very exciting blog entry annoucing a book give away to celebrate the release of Dead Iron by Devon Monk. Squeee ! ;o) [International Entry]

  • JenK

    Right now I’m reading My Life As A White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland. I can’t wait to read Dead Iron! I will be counting the days until it comes out. πŸ™‚

  • Liana Moore

    I’ve just finished reading Phoenix Rising (Yay Steampunk! This is the first book in The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris) and Magic Slays. Next on my list is Magic on the Hunt actually (yes, a little behind in my Allie Beckstrom reading) to be closely followed by Heartless.
    I’m ridiculously excited about your first steampunk book – can’t wait to read it and glad this is going to be a series
    Thanks for the competition – I’m an international entry.

  • Serena

    I would love, love, love to win a copy of the new book. I am a HUGE fan of the Allie Beckstom novels and love the concept for this new series. I am an international entry

  • Andrew

    I like the idea of tech advancing along another time line. Adding a little fantasy never hurts either. Plus steam and sexy abs go together quite well!

  • Maithe

    Oh, I can’t wait till this book comes out! I just got your two audio books (Allie) and plan to get the rest in the next two months. I am so looking forward to reading this story!

  • Karen

    I’m just about to start reading A Shot in the Dark by K.A. Stewart, which is the 2nd installment in the Jesse James Dawson series. Jesse is a dad, a husband and a modern day samurai who fights demons to help save the souls of people who have made deals with them & realize they’ve made a mistake. I loved the first book, so I’m psyched to dive into this book.

    I’m in Massachusetts, so enter me in the US contest. I’d love to win a copy of Dead Iron.

  • Susan Puls

    Love your books and looking forward to reading Dead Iron!

    Right now I’m watching Achievement HORSE #27 at, maybe about to pick up King’s Shield by Sherwood Smith.

  • Stephanie

    Congrats on the new shiny! Hmmm…what am I reading right now? The new Vicki Pettersson, Neon Graveyard. Love it so far. I’m head off to Mexico in a couple of weeks for vacation as well. It would be fabulous to have a new Devon Monk to take with me :).

  • Louis Monaco

    Currently reading a ton of Donald E Westlake. It’s not steampunk, but entertaining none the less. I was reading steampunk before it had a name, ie. Verne, Wells, old school stuff.

  • Val

    OMG. I’ve read all of the Allie novels and can’t wait for the last ones.
    I would love, love, love a copy of Dead Iron. Please enter me in the international contest. My favourite steampunk book is Steamed by Katie MacAlister. I’ll probably re-read it during the summer, when I’m not at work, or planning a surprise 30th anniversary party for my parents. But it would be awesome to have a new Devon Monk to read.

  • Caitlin F.

    Right now I’m reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein for the first time and I’m loving it! It’s a surprisingly nice break from work and school, lol.

    Congrats on the new release! I’m really looking forward to it. πŸ˜€