Deadline Dames and Tuesday Books

Every Tuesday over on the Deadline Dames, Jackie Kessler and I post a list of newly released books.  Today was my turn to post, and can I just say, wow!

Since the Deadline Dames are nine authors who write urban fantasy, paranormal romance, young adult, and a wee bit of steampunk on the side, I always try to post books and anthologies that fall into those general categories.

If you’re looking for something new to read, there are a lot of great choices this week.

I am currently between books and feel the need to hit the bookstore.  What are you reading right now?  Got any suggestions for me?



  • Vickie B

    Bedside book: SIXTY-ONE NAILS – Mike Shevdon, fantasy on par with Neil Gaiman

    Purse book: HARD DAY’S FRIGHT: Pepper Martin Mystery – Casey Daniels, paranormal cozy

    BOCD for the commute: LIFE – Keith Richards, autobiography, narr by Johnny Depp….sigh…

  • Karen

    I just finished Deadliest Bite by Jennifer Rardin (which was dark and funny and fantastic), and I started Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews (had to wait until my signed Powell’s books arrived for it). It’s awesome so far.

    When I’m shuttling my kid around & stuck waiting in the car, I’m reading Stripped by Marcia Colette on my eReader.

    Oh, and I’m reading The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth by Alexandra Robbins. It’s true stories of kids who were bullied because they were different and how their differences made them famous/rich/powerful. It’s supposed to be inspiring – I’m finding it sad.

  • Val

    I just finished Elizabeth Bear’s Promethian novels. There are four of them, but it’s more like two, 2-book sets.
    “Blood and Iron” and “Whiskey and Water” were the first two written and are set in modern-day NYC and faerie. But “Ink and Steel” and “Hell and Earth” are chronologically first, in that they’re set in Elizabethan England and follow an alternative history of Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.
    The first books can be a little bit of a slow read while all of the characters and threads are being introduced, but by the second, you won’t be able to put it down.