
I realize I haven’t posted a snippet from DEAD IRON like I promised I would last Friday, but I’ll get it posted tomorrow.  A few things have happened over the weekend.  One: I have discovered I have the Most Thoughtful Editor in the Universe!  It’s true!  She sent me an email Friday telling me her schedule had shifted a little, so I could take an extra day or three if I needed to finish MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY.

I have already given the book a full polish, but there’s this one scene–okay, it’s really three chapters–where a LOT of important stuff happens.  It is complicated and tricky to pull off, and it’s always felt a little rough.  I have notes, both mine and my first readers’ scribbled everywhere–in notebooks, in the printed manuscript, on sticky notes, so it’s a semi-herculean effort to hammer those chapters into submission.  The extra time is NOT going to waste, I guarantee you.  And I think readers of the series are gonna be wowed when all is said and done.

Two: I baked a cubic ton of cookies and potato salad to send off on the fishing trip the menfolk of the house took this weekend.  My reward?  A quiet house for half of Saturday and half of Sunday, followed by fresh trout dinner on Sunday.

Three: Today, the UPS truck dropped not one, not two…oh, here, I’ll show you:

That’s right THREE boxes of goodies at my gate!  What’s in the boxes?

DEAD IRON!!!!  A real, gorgeous book!  EeeeEEEeee!!!  What will I do with those?  Well, I’ll be giving them away, of course.  But not yet.  First, today, I’m going to give away some of what’s in that other box.  Here it is up close:

These are the samplers Ace/Roc put together for San Diego Comic Con.  I’m not going to Comic Con.  Are you?  Well, never fear. Because of The Most Thoughtful Editor in the Universe, I get to share these samplers with YOU!!  Each volume contains the first chapter from:

Dead Iron – Devon Monk

A Soldier’s Duty – Jean Johnson

Working Stiff – Rachel Caine

Prince of Thorns – Mark Lawrence

Bloodlands – Christine Cody

Shadow Kin – M. J. Scott

Sins of the Angels – Linda Poitevin

Dead Man Walking – Stefan Petrucha

It’s like a collection of delicious wordy hors d’oeuvres!   How do you get your copy?  Leave a comment here (Facebook, Live Journal or my blog) and I will pull names on Friday and mail out a BUNCH of these beauties (yes, internationally).

What a great way to start the week!!

P.S: See that corner of white paper below the sampler?  That’s the page I’m currently working on in the manuscript, page 151 (single-space) with the note: “Big Something” in the margin.



  • Kaysi Peister

    WOW! This is so exciting and I agree your editor is excellent! I love your writing and cannot wait for anything you have coming out in the near future! [I think I’m drooling lol!] I hope you get everything done that you need to, I KNOW it’ll all turn out great!!

  • Sabra

    I’ve never seen a sampler book before. Great idea.

    I managed to stretch out my reading of Magic at the Gate until just before Magic on the Hunt came out–two literature courses helped with that. I don’t think I’m going to manage the same trick with the current book, though.

  • julie

    Goodies look great! My mom is now reading your short story collection “a cup of normal” which i loved! Cant wait to read more of your work!

  • Nikki B.

    YAY! So exciting! I know how much I love when lovely brown boxes arrive at my doorstep lol Can’t wait to read Dead Iron! <3

  • Calliope

    Wow. When the people over at ROC put a sampler together, they don`t hold their punches, do they? What an awesome chance!

  • Teri C

    Ohhhh SQUEE!!! That UPS man earns a cookie!
    Fabulous. Those looks like some sumptuous samples.
    I cannot wait 😉

  • Asura C

    Those covers almost look like they shine, like they need homes. Thanx for the great giveaway. Roc you shall be getting much of my paycheck very soon with those titles.

  • dragongirl46

    oooooooo so many pretty shiny new things!! Glad you get the extra time to fix any issues you think your book has. I’m sure it would have been fantastic either way!

  • Stephanie McKeehan

    Hi Devon! Wow! This is so exciting! A sampler what a great idea! So many great books being released I can’t wait. I’m really excited for Dead Iron and Working Stiff=) I love your Allie Beckstrom series=)


  • Christine

    Wow! What a great chance to check out some new authors. You and Rachel Caine are the only ones in the sampler that I’ve read so far.


  • Joylyn

    Ooooo….at my house when the mail carrier or any delivery comes it is an event! My kids know our mail man and he gives them treats, that’s how often he sees them during the week:)

  • Janeen Alum-MacDonald

    Hi, how exciting,, samplers are great fun, when i worked at barnes and noble we’d get them all the time.. its been years since then but i remember them with such delight.