Powell’s Signing

In a word: awesome!  In pictures (of which I have none, lol) check out Lili’s post on the Deadline Dames and Ilona’s post on her blog.

As always, I was amazed by Peter’s and his crew’s generosity and thoughtfulness in putting the event together.  Lili, Ilona, and Gordon are fabulous and kind, and so much fun.  They totally pwned the (excellent) questions asked by audience members.

I’m going to be honest with you here.  I didn’t expect so many people to come by to have ME sign books!  My last book, MAGIC ON THE HUNT has been out since April.  I thought there might be a person or two, a book or two, but I was totally surprised and humbled by people actually bringing up stacks of my books, or buying the first in my series to give it a try. Thank you, THANK YOU, readers!  You rock!

True to my word, those who had my books, got the sample chapter and a half from MAGIC ON THE LINE.  Funny story on that–the title on the sample chapter was wrong! (woe to my copy editing skills!)  So the samples were lovingly hand-corrected on the spot by the author herself.  (heh)

So many people mentioned they are looking forward to reading DEAD IRON, and after consulting a couple readers who were in line, I have decided to post a snippet of DEAD IRON every Friday until July.  That means the first snippet will be posted tomorrow.

As for the signing, I will remember the evening as a blur of smiles, books, the names Winter and Summer, the book seller ladies, a lovely yarn gift, laughter, a zombie gnome,  lots of talking, great questions, and posing for photos.

I will remember talking shop with Ilona, Gordon, and Lili, watching the Andrews sign until their hands nearly fell off, and then feeling so sorry for their wrists that by the end of the event, I couldn’t bear to ask them to sign the two books I bought, so I only asked them to sign the one I will be giving away on my blog.

Which brings me to this:

Wanna win a signed copy of MAGIC SLAYS?

Leave a comment, where ever you are reading this (Blog, Live Journal, Facebook, etc.) And I will draw a winner Sunday June 5th before midnight PST.  I will mail internationally.




  • Tom Guy

    I have been reading your books, i am deeply saddened that i couldn’t make it to the signing, seeing as i live in MN and broke, but i would have come!!

  • Pam B


    Thanks for the giveaway…the pics on the Deadline Dames post look like you all had fun.

    Love your books!!!

  • Erika

    So many books to read…so little time. 🙂 My too be read pile is getting longer, but thanks for the future (friday) snippets.

  • Jenette

    Wow! So glad you all had such an awesome turnout. It sounds like it was a really wonderful event. I totally live in the wrong state. I hate missing these things and would love to be entered for a signed copy of Magic Slays. I actually discovered your books by seeing the Friend’s Release section on Ilona Andews’s website.

    Looking forward to Dead Iron and Magic on the Line as well. Can’t wait. Can’t wait. Can’t wait.

  • Nikki B.

    I’m always green with envy for all the lucky folks close enough to make it to one of Powells *kickass author* group-power signings…seriously all four of yous are all super fantastic!! I wish you guys lived on the east coast! 🙂

  • Annette

    Magic Slays is waiting for me on my kindle, but until I get my 1,000 words in I’m saying no. I would love to have a signed copy.

  • Lisa B

    I would love a signed copy of Magic Slays. it is very nice of one to be giving it away. Thank you!

  • Cintya B

    I wish I lived in Oregon so I could’ve gone to the signing four of my fav. authors! Would’ve been awesome!! Sign me up for the book contest please 🙂 and thanks!!

  • Chris L

    Sounds like a cool signing! I’d love to win a signed Magic Slays thanks for the contest!

  • Jen

    I wanted to go so bad! It was almost worth 11 hours of driving! Unfortunatly, I would have had to bring all 6 of my kids with me, and that wouldn’t have been much fun – SO I missed out 🙁
    Sounds like it was an awesome success though! Saw the pictures! I would LOVE to win Magic Slays though! Thanks so much!

  • elena

    I can’t wait for the Dead Iron, and thank you for the future snippet. Also I am a fan of Ilona Andrews ‘s books, so I want to win 🙂

  • wade2121

    My friend recommended your book & loaned me Magic to the Bone. Loved it!!! I can’t wait to read the next one.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


    OMG, I needed a giveaway like this!

    I’m awaiting for when be a giveaway of a signed copy of Dead Iron — I hope I didn’t missed it.

  • Maithe

    It sounds like you all had a great time! I saw the pics on Ilona’s website–I wish I could have been there.*pout* I am waiting anxiously for the release of your audiobooks! I have all the print books, but I like having both versions on hand. Yeah, I’m that much of a nerd. *L*

  • miki

    You are really wonderful and i’m happy you got a lot of people for you at the signing.
    Thanks for the giveaway

  • deb

    would love to win a signed copy of Magic Slays. thanks for offering it.
    would so love a chance to attend a signing or chat with some of my favourite authors, but living in australia … it is just not meant to be.
    i never stop reading, usually a book a day … and Kate and Allie books still wow me from the very first line every time … both series stay on my re-read, re-read, re-read list.
    but please, would seriously love to see a Shamus read

  • Miriam

    It looks like everyone had a fun time at Powells on May 31. The knitted version of Stone is great. I was never much of a knitter, but looking at him ALMOST makes me want to try again. Thank you for posting the “how to.” I am sending the instructions to a friend, and am hoping to convince her that she needs to make one for me.

    A couple of weeks ago, I treated myself to what I thought were the first four of your books. Thank you for posting the list (too bad I didn’t think to check and print a list before I went shopping). I missed Magic in the Shadows, and got Gate as my fourth. I have two to read before I need to get Shadows.

    Thanks for the Dead Iron snippet.

    Thank you for the Magic Slays giveaway. I would be delighted to win a copy of Magic Slays that is signed by both Ilona and Gordon.

    Gotta go – So many books, so little time, dinner to shop for, and you have writing to get back to.

  • Amanda V

    I’d love a signed copy! Looks like ya’ll had a fabulous signing; wish I could have gone!!

  • jammastere

    Powell’s was the best! I drove down from Tacoma for the rare chance to see 4 of my favorite authors. It was totally worth it!! I have to say the first chapter and 1/2 of Magic On the Line is great, I can’t wait for the whole book. My friend and I were both in LOVE with the cover of Dead Iron. I have my signed copy, just wanted to thank you for taking the time to spend with us readers:)

  • Paoma

    Hi. I’ve been going through all the pictures in Ilona and Lillian’s blog and reading about the event in their words. Wow. It must have been great. I love, LOVE the gargoyle and look forward to finishing the books of your series that I have been secretly buying and NOT reading till my exams get over. 🙂

  • Sue

    Thanks for the generous offer. I came here from the Magic Slays posting from Ilona Andrews. What an interesting universe..I would really appreciate having a signed copy and thanks for sending non-operationally – here in chilly Melbourne on a grey Saturday that is a bonus. I now have to find a copy of one of your books!

  • Donna

    I just came from reading over at Ilona’s blog. Sounds like everyone had a fun time. I wish I could have made it over to the signing. I’m a big fan of the Allie and Kate books.

  • harpergirl

    I keep hoping to make it to a signing, but so far, traveling cross-country on a student budget really isn’t justifiable, even for a collection of all my most favorite authors. Sigh. If you come to Chicagolandia, I’d be delighted to see you. Danke for the giveaway!