The End Looks A Lot Like The Beginning

Good news!  I finished the first draft of MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY yesterday–before midnight and everything!  Yay!  Today I will begin cleaning it up into readable shape.  My poor first readers volunteered to read the very rough first draft, so I should get feedback from them in the next couple days.  Which is good because the book is due Monday.

Yep, I am riding hard against a burning deadline. I will be doing nothing but clean-up, cut up, add to, re-work, clarify and cuss and swear for the next four days. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? 😉

Of course, with this mountain of work ahead of me, I am suddenly hit with the urge to make a steampunk outfit.

I started shopping for steampunk items at thrift stores back in October. When life threw monkey wrenches at my head, my adventures in steampunking got pushed to the back burner.  But I’m feeling the itch again.  I did mod out a pair of goggles I like (but that need some adjustments) and I have a lovely pair of new steampunk gloves half knitted, so at least I have something to start with.

But I’d like to have the outfit ready to wear before July 6th.  Why the 6th?  Because I am going to Houston, TX to sign DEAD IRON at Murder By the Book!!!  I have never been to Murder By The Book before, and I am so excited to be signing there the day after my first steampunk novel is released!

As some of you might know, I don’t get out for signings very often, and haven’t been in the Texas area for a couple years.  So if you’d like something to do on a Wednesday night, and want to come chat with me, or have me sign DEAD IRON, or any of my Allie Beckstrom books, I’d love to see you there.