Wee Little Machine

My computer died. The black screen plague, I believe. I’m going to take it into the shop today and see if it can be revived.  I sure hope so.

Do I have backups of my work? Yes! Well, all of my work except the folder containing my most current project–Magic Without Mercy. Luckily, I’ve turned the finished manuscript in to my editor, so a copy exists somewhere.  I don’t know why the automatic backups I had in place didn’t include that folder, but I’ll fix that if the computer comes back to life.

So that means I’m working on my netbook.  This little machine is my idea of heaven. It’s light, has a comfortable built-in keyboard, streams video, music, plays games, yada yada.  I know the tablets are really popular right now, but for me, this mini laptop is so much better.  It is a writing machine, and while I love the other things it can do, (like update my blog/facebook/livejournal), I love it most for how it  lets me handle word processing.

I’ve heard rumors that the netbook is falling out of style, but I sure hope not.  I like having a laptop-like set up, and haven’t found the tablet with removable keyboard as comfortable. (I also don’t own a tablet, so that might shade my judgement)  Since my computer’s failure, I’ve set my entire office up on this wee little machine, and it’s running like a champ.

However, I have had to relocate, since my wireless connection (house problem, not machine problem) has been iffy lately.  That means I’m at the kitchen table now, Ethernet capable, coffee cozy, and getting the work done.

If you’ve sent me a message via my web page, live journal, Facebook, or Twitter, I still have access to all of that and I’ll try to get back to you soon.

But for now, the Wee Little Machine and I have work to do.  Today it’s proofs for MAGIC ON THE LINE. (which I will, of course, back up.) Have you backed up your computer lately?


One Comment

  • Linda

    Wow, best of luck. We went and bought a terribite(?) of backup and set the computer to back things up manually, but alas my husband wishes I would join the 21st century. I still print out most of my important documents because of loosing them in the past, I can’t get by the security of having them in hand. Best of luck with the computer.