Ladies and Gents, I am proud to announce DEAD IRON is now officially loose in the world!

If you’ve wondered what kind of steampunk someone like me might write, now’s your chance to get your hands on the first book in the series.

Now, I know what you’re thinking–she writes urban fantasy. It’s gonna be an urban fantasy-ish book.

Not really, no.  Sure there’s plenty of unnatural goings on in DEAD IRON.  We got your werewolf, witch, zombie, and nightmarish critters. We got your gears and steam and hard longing for a better life in a harsh and wild land.  Heroes struggle for justice while evil unstrings the good in the world. And yep, there’s a dash of love in the mix too.

But it’s not an urban fantasy.  It really is a different sort of book.  A little darker.  A little grittier.  Steampunk, I believe.  I had a great time discovering this world and these people.  I am currently writing the second book in the series, and let me just say, there are so many fun (yes, fun!) surprises and twists coming up.  Book one, DEAD IRON sets the world and the characters in motion.  Book two, sets them on fire  (well, not literally on fire, but you know what I mean.)  Thank you for reading, if that is your inclination.  I certainly hope you’ll enjoy this new adventure.



  • Carrie

    So I am on the first page and I already am enjoying it! 🙂 Congrats on your release!

    I adore your Allie series even though I am usually a romance only reader (I like happy endings 🙂 ) so I am excited to start something new with you!

  • Linda

    Dear Devon,

    Thank you so much for the sample collection, it arrived today! Best wishes with your newest novel, can’t wait to read it. I really am looking forward to your future releases as well. All the best, Linda

  • Robert

    Love your Allie series, love to read this if I could just find it. Borders does not have have it.