GEAR Con Mini Report

I had the wonderful opportunity to attend GEAR Con on Friday.  On arriving at the event, I was immediately invited onto a panel with Irene Radford and Andrew P. Mayer, who were explaining the hows and tos of world building. (I admitted to my post-it note and back-of envelope note-keeping affliction.)

The next talk was with Shanna Germain, myself, and Andrew Mayer.  I believe we talked about our cross-genreness and steampunk’s general proclivity for the same.

After a quick break, we three tackled the “punk” in Steampunk.  This was a very interesting panel suggested by Andrew, and he had a lot of great insight into the subject, whereas by that time, my one cup of coffee and two bites of a power bar that I’d eaten eight hours ago (and which was, indeed, the only thing I’d eaten all day) was completely failing me.  I believe I blathered like an idiot.  My thanks to the audience for being patient with me.  Next time I’ll bring coffee. 😉










We sort of clumped up in the hall to “talk shop” and crossed paths with Mary Robinette Kowal and soon thereafter, MK Hobson.  That visit was all too brief before we had to scurry off to various destinations unknown.  I did not see Cherie Priest, but she was also there, and entertaining mightily.

Saturday was spent on other venues, i.e: real life commitments of the familial kind that could not be avoided.

Sunday, I should be at GEAR Con for the morning and afternoon, after which I will have to run home quick like a bunny to finish the material I owe my editor on Monday.  It’s stuff for book 2 of the Age of Steam series. 🙂

If you’re in the Portland area and need something to do, come on over, beat the heat, and have some fun with us, won’t you?