Signing, Now with pictures!
I’d like to thank Murder By The Book for having me in for a signing on the 6th! I had a lovely time. Thank you readers for stopping in to say hi, or asking to have a book personalized, and thank you also to everyone at the store (who also happen to be AWESOME readers) for making my visit such fun. People, if you are anywhere near Houston, I highly recommend a visit. You won’t be disappointed.
I tried to take pictures of me in my steampunk gear, but alas, my photo-fu was weak. Here’s what I got:
Trying to show off my cool boots.
Working on my proper posture:
A couple interior shots of Murder By The Book:

And lastly, here is a photo of me and the manager, John. We aren’t up to any mischief. Or ARE we?
If you’d like a signed edition of DEAD IRON, Murder By The Book is currently the ONLY bookstore in the world with signed stock. And they ship internationally! Just drop them an email, and they’ll get the book right off to you. Quick, before they sell out!
Imzadi Dragonfly
You don’t travel with a photographer? An entourage? Piffle.
You look marvelous, by the way. Great job with the outfit.
That place looks like an awesome book store, I’m SO jealous 😀 Hmmm, signed copy versus having it in my hand sooner. *still debating*
Omg, I want the gloves, I just took a closer look at the previous pictures. Well honestly, everything really..the outfit looks fabulous!
You had to be the only warm person in that store! With the recent rain that day, the temperature outside fell and the store felt frigid (not gonna lie, I wanted to steel your gloves for warmth…I’m a whimp) thanks for coming to Houston. I enjoyed meeting you.
Devon you look lovely! and the outfit is beautiful. I’m debating if i need a second signed book….am currently reading Dead iron. It’s awesome!
Devon your ourfit is wonderful I love it. I have some mini mochi I need to make me some sometime. I ordered my book and it should be coming to my house anytime:-)