Signing – Dead Iron

This is a friendly reminder that I will be signing DEAD IRON (or, indeed, any of my other books) at the Beaverton, Oregon Powell’s Books TOMORROW, Tuesday August 2 at 7pm.

Can’t make it?  Powells WILL MAIL you a signed book–personalized if you want–anywhere in the world!

So if you need a little break from the warm weather, 😉 come on in!  I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to hang out and talk.

I was considering wearing my steampunk outfit…but there are an awful lot of layers and wool involved.  Hm…what do you think?  Should I go all out and gear up, or should I relax and take it cool and breezy?


  • Aleta Goin

    Go all out and dress up. Especially if it’s air conditioned inside! And then post pics, because I’d love to see your outfit! I finally got a chance to start reading Dead Iron and I’m loving it! Unfortunately, I can’t make it to the signing tomorrow night. I teach a class at the massage school in Salem from 6:30-9:30pm. 🙁 Would really like to go though. Have fun!