Weekend Wandering Allie Beckstrom Style


….was awesome!  Thank you to everyone who came out for the event.  I had a great time meeting new readers, and seeing familiar readers, and generally chatting like crazy.  One person even brought a knitted Stone the gargoyle to the signing!  He’s the first Stone I’ve seen in the wild and he was adorable.

Peter and the rest of the Powells staff once again pulled off a wonderful event.  If you’ve never been to a book signing before and you’re in the Portland area, give Powells in Beaverton a shot.  I think you’ll really enjoy it!



…took me and my lovely agent who was in town to two places Allie and the crew visit in the Allie Beckstrom books.  Here, I have photos:

This is the view from on top of the Vista house at Crown Point, about 733 feet (223 m) above the Columbia River.  The Columbia River separates Oregon and Washington state.  On the right in the picture above is the Oregon, and on the left is Washington.  This is a view looking east.  Those tiny white dots in the river are boats.  Here is a photo of the Vista House:

See that building under the word HUNT?  See this building below?

I was standing on top of that building to take the photo of the river.

Here’s a view looking west:

Then we were off to Multnomah Falls, also mentioned in the books.


Multnomah Falls drops in two sections, and as you can see, I couldn’t get both parts in one photo. The upper falls is 542 feet (165 m) and the lower falls is 69 feet (21 m) with a 9 foot (3 m) drop between the two, bringing its total height to a towering 620 feet (189 m).

We walked up to that bridge in the photo, just like Allie and Zay in MAGIC ON THE HUNT.  If you’ve read that book, you know what’s really hidden behind that waterfall. 😉 Here’s a photo of the upper falls from the bridge:

And here’s a photo of the lower falls.  That rock there in the pool of water must be over ten feet tall.

The weather was perfect, the views spectacular, and the day a relaxing escape from deadlines.  I don’t know…maybe one of these days I’ll put together a photo album of all the places visited (albeit, fictionalized) in the Allie Beckstrom books.  Wonder if anyone would like that?


  • Michelle C.

    I’d love a photo album of the places Allie has visited. I like seeing the places where Allie has been, both photos and in person. 🙂

    I agree that the signing was great and it was nice seeing you again.

  • Karen

    I think that would be awesome. Archer Mayer, who writes mystery novels, based his books in the town I grew up in. It changes the way you “see” a book when you know the what the places look like. I’ll sometimes google image places where books are based for that very reason. So having you put together a photo tour of Allie’s world would be cool.

  • Cricket

    Yes for landmarks which any native of the city will know. I don’t fill in any unnecessary details when reading, so there won’t be conflicts with the real one. Linking to them at first mention would be best. (Ebooks rule!)

    No for places you invent. Part of the fun of reading is filling in details like floor colour and wallpaper and how the tables are positioned and whether the chairs are old or antique. It helps me explore the character.

    On the other hand, movie versions that don’t follow my image (and often disagree with things spelled out in the book), don’t make my brain explode.

  • Jessica S.

    That would be cool Devon! It could be like one of those companion novels that are popping about lately! A book about the series with characters and locations and other fun whatnot!