Distractions for the Win

Web habits.  I have them. 

At least once a day (often more…much more) unless I am under Hideous Deadline of Doom, I check Twitter and Facebook.

I don’t check Google+ because I haven’t taken the time to really get involved with it yet.  This sounds dumb, but all that sorting and circles and stuff just feels like more work right now. Also, I think most of the people who would/do follow me (and vice versa) on Google+ are already on Facebook. (I could be wrong about that…)

I don’t see how G+ fits in with my Twitter, Facebook, and web page habits yet but I’ll probably give G+ another try when the Hideous Deadline of Doom is past.

But even with these “newer” social medias, I still like reading blogs and watching vlogs.  There’s just something fun and interesting about checking in with a person (or personality) and seeing what they are up to.

I like to read blogs about: writing, reading, books, publishing, knitting, baking, history, humor, movies, comics and more.

I was going to make a list of the pages I like to visit, but Hideous Deadline of Doom is in the way, so I’ll save that for another day.

However, I am always looking for a good distraction.  So tell me, what blogs, vlogs, or websites do you visit for fun?


  • Eternal

    Well… obviously yours 😉

    As for other entertainment:
    Blogs from other authors: Ilona Andrews, Patrick Rothfuss, Neal Gaiman and Lev Grossman.

    I also read quite a few web comics, the best being: Girl Genius, Crimson Dark, XKCD and Questionable Content, but that ranking changes with my mood.

    Podcasts: Writing Excuses

    I also follow some blogs related to other hobbies, but those don’t match your lists. Looking forward to hear other suggestions. I’m too lazy to post the links, but google will find them for you.

  • Alaina

    Cracked.com is always good for hours of wasted yet entertaining time.. especially their lists.. im a facebook game addict, so always doing that.. and one of my fav artists ever (Ursula Vernon) has a blog which is always entertaining when she has a post..

  • Mundanename

    Can I hold my list of amazing distractions hostage to The Shame Series(tm)?

    Oh all right, I find kongregate.com to be a great distraction, tons of really high quality free games there (also a ton of terrible ones but those can be ignored).


  • Karen

    I have a boatload of authors/book blogger sites I visit regularly. But I’ll mention the other blogs which have nothing to do with books….

    http://www.likecool.com (Like Cool) – Its hard to describe. Just lots of unusual things from around the web – from videos to toothbrushes to eco friendly items. You just never know what’s going to be posted.

    http://www.thebloggess.com (The Bloggess) – She’s made me snort soda thru my nose with some of her posts. I think she might be a touch “touched”, but if you need a good laugh you’ll find it there.

    http://www.cakewrecks.com (Cake Wrecks) – Crazy bad cakes.

    http://www.epbot.com (Epbot) – The same person who does cake wrecks, only she posts lots of steampunk goodness.

    http://www.hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com (Hyperbole and a Half) – She hasn’t posted in a while because she’s working on a book, but she posts these harrowing, hysterical stories of her life with crazy funny cartoons. If you’ve never visited, you should.

  • Mashiara

    I work in a library, so if it’s an author blog, I can get away with calling it work related. I check yours and Ilona Andrews because they’re updated frequently and entertaining.

  • Julie

    If you are looking for real time-suckers, my faves are ‘Damn You Auto Correct’ and ‘Awful Library Books’. I always get giggles from those. Usually, I visit them thinking I’ll be on there for 5 minutes. Next thing I know, 15 minutes has flown by!