Art and Archives

So I was scanning Facebook the other day and look what I found linked to my wall:

Fan art!  May I present to you, Allie Beckstrom by Christina Godek.

That, my friends, is *awesome*!!  I love the swirls of magic that reach all the way up to her forehead.  And the coffee cup–perfect!  Thank you, Christina!  I love this!

In writing news, I am on deadline to get some material over to my editor by Monday so they can begin putting the cover and back cover together for the last book in the Allie Beckstrom series.  I think we have a title for the book picked out, but I’m going to double check that we’ve agreed on it before sharing it. I’ll let you know soon.

One of the questions I get a lot lately, is if I’m really and truly going to end the series on book 9. (MAGIC ON THE LINE out this month is book 7, MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY out next April is book 8, and book 9 will be out next November.)

Yes, I am really and truly going to end *this story arc* that started in book 1, MAGIC TO THE BONE by book 9.  It has always been a story I imagined told over nine books and I would hate to dillute the power of the tale by adding a few more books just for funsies.

However–I AM thinking of writing other books in Allie’s world with familiar characters we love.  More on that as I get my ducks in a row and, you know, actually talk to my editor about it, lol!

If you want to see some other great questions that the terrific readers at P.U.R.L.S. asked about the books and the characters, check out the live chat we had last Thursday, archived here.  It’s not spoilery (much–you’ll probably want to have read MAGIC ON THE LINE before reading through the chat) and I did my best to answer as much as I could without giving too much away.