Knit Long and Prosper

I’ve probably mentioned here that I knit for fun and for stress relief, right? Well, I’ve been a little stressed out about my seventh book, MAGIC ON THE LINE coming out, and also about turning in the second steampunk novel, TIN SWIFT.

I’ve probably proved how stressed I am by showing you this Halloween costume I knit:

And this Halloween hat I knit:

But now I’m going to prove what a big ol’ geek I am.  This Halloween, I also knit this:

Yes, that is a Spock Hat. You just can not get any old school nerdier than that.

Knit long and prosper.

Thank you to Becca Stundel for the awesome Spock hat pattern!


  • Karen

    OMG! I wish I could knit just to have a hat like that. Alas, two grandmothers, multiple books and the internet (and about 40 years of trying) and I still can’t manage it. Every time I try my brain malfunctions. *sigh*

  • April

    Well that is some fabulous knitting you’ve got going on there.

    I’ve always wanted to learn to knit and have never tried. Someday. Maybe.

    I do hope that whatever stressors you are facing go away soon, or at least become alleviated!