Oh, yeeah! Release day is here!

Let the trumpets sound! Release Day is here!

MAGIC ON THE LINE is officially out today!

If you want a chance to score a signed copy of MAGIC ON THE LINE

…and a signed copy of book six MAGIC ON THE HUNT (which came out last April)…

…then head on over to the Deadline Dames, where I’m doing a giveaway!

If you want to know what I’m doing today (besides posting on blogs and driving hither and yon to take care of errands) I am working on copy edits for MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY, which is book 8 in the series.  MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY will hit shelves  April 3, 2012.

You know what else I’m going to do? Sometime today, between errands and revisions and blog posts, I think I’m going to buy myself a cup of coffee–or maybe even a fancy vanilla latte–and raise it in toast to all the readers out there!

Thank you most excellent readers, for giving me the chance to share Allie’s story with you!



  • Karen

    I’m soooo looking forward to reading Magic on the Line! I just finished Angel Town, and was going to start it tonight. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my hands on a copy today at the bookstore, so I had to order it from Amazon…sigh…2 more days! Ack!

  • Maithe

    I just got the audio from Audible–gotta get the print version now. LOL, yeah, I am that obsessive. Best wishes!!