A Wildflower Wish

I suddenly realized it’s been over a year since I’ve gone to my local library.  To be fair, last year was very, very busy for me, and my “free time”  was usually the hour between 12:00-1:00 am (my mornings started at 6:00 am).  So, yeah, not a lot of extra time to do stuff.

This year, I’ve been trying to better schedule my days.  Work will always keep me busy (hope, hope!) and that’s as it should be. But I want to have a little “living” time too, and I’m doing what I can to see that it happens.

For one thing, I will be attending Emerald City Comic Con at the end of March.  I’ve been meaning to go for years, but I’m actually going to do it this year!  I’m going just to have fun and see what a comic con is all about.  I’ll try to take plenty of pictures. 🙂

I know I’m not the only one who forgets to make time to do the things I love.  Are you like that too?  When was the last time you went to the library (assuming you love going to the library)?  Or took a day trip?  When was the last time you picked up some hobby you’d set aside and thought, “oh, right. NOW I remember why I loved doing this so much”? Or tuned into your favorite show, or took a walk in a park?

If it’s been awhile, well, I’m sending you a little wish in hope that you can do a fun little thing again soon.  Life goes by pretty quickly.  I wouldn’t want any of us to miss out on smelling the wildflowers* growing by the road.

*unless, of course, we’re allergic to them. In that case, we will just admire them from afar.


photo: copyright (c) 123 RF


  • Patch

    I found one of your Allie books at Goodwill today and somehow managed to carve out reading time today– I read the whole book, just finished it about a half hour ago. I read it in the van while waiting for my daughter to wake up from her nap. Read it while I ate. Read it in the bathroom. Read it while standing at the stove waiting for water to boil. Etc, etc… It’s been awhile (6 years this March!) since I’ve had much time to read, but your book sucked me right in and I am HOOKED. Must buy the rest of them now, and then foist them on my friends! Thank you so much, for your writing and also for the reminder that yes, I really can make time for what I really want to do, if I want it badly enough.

  • Northwoman

    I LOVE the library, always have. This week is unusual but I was there Monday and yesterday and I am going in today. Quick stops – all 3 times – to drop off things I finished or are due, or pickup things I have reserved. I just love the way it smells, like books.

    Bookstores are also great. I visited Portland this past summer and went to multiple bookstores including 2 locations of Powell’s. I have also gone to libraries on vacation, in other cities, and spent the whole day there reading, but not the trip this last summer.

  • April

    Well, I visit my library all the time (because it is awesome in every way), even more so now that the economy has rearranged our budget. However, as far as doing things I enjoy doing that I don’t get to everyday? I really need to get out and visit some museums or nature preserves or something. I see my walls way too often. Thank you for the reminder!

  • Colleen

    I have a great library close by and I am there all the time picking up books that I reserved. I have been looking for a new hobby. I read all the time but even I get tired of it. I am thinking of starting a family tree/geneology search….after I get through one more book… 😀

  • Michael J. Allen

    Actually, it has been a bit too long since I strolled down to the local library. I don’t know about anyone else, but I try to take a week after I finish each writing project to get out of my box, leave the keyboard/laptop behind, and collect some more life experiences to add to my work.

    As an aside, I’d like to thank you for your work. I was tickled when I ran into a series from where I grew up. I’ve been too long from the Oregon Coast too, and besides being a great story, it brought me home when I couldn’t come in person.