Excerpt Wednesday: Magic Without Mercy

Wow! That week went by quickly.  I’m happy to say I finished the copy edits on TIN SWIFT and sent them in last night, beating the deadline by several hours. 🙂   TIN SWIFT (which comes out in July) seems to have shaped up into a pretty fun book, a statement my editor and beta readers agree with me on.  (whew!)

BUT today is Wednesday, and Wednesday means an excerpt from MAGIC WITHOUT MERCY, which comes out April 3rd.  Here’s a super-quick clip:





Zay parked the car and we sat there for a bit.

“Plan?” Shame asked. “Storm the castle?”

“Walk in nice and slow,” Zayvion said. “Maybe buy a cup of coffee.”

“I’d kill for a cup of coffee,” I said.

“What, like use a gun on someone? The horror.” Shame swung out of the car.

“Maybe I’ll start with him,” I mused.

“You’d have to get behind me,” Zayvion said.

I promise the excerpt will be longer next Wednesday!