The Book Bin – Signing

Salem is the capitol of Oregon. It is placed pretty squarely between two mountain ranges, in the fertile Willamette Valley, with the big cities of Portland to the north and Eugene to the south.  It is a city filled with readers, artists, musicians, and plenty of creative types.

A couple years ago, Borders, the only new bookstore in town, closed.  That could have been a heavy hit for a city full of readers.  But Salem is lucky to have several fantastic used & new bookstores that stepped right up, drastically expanded their selection of new titles, and are now providing wonderful browsing, buying, and community experiences for book lovers.

One of those great bookstores is The Book Bin, downtown on Court Street.   I had the chance to do a signing, reading, giveaway, and Q&A there last night.

It was wonderful!

But if you couldn’t stop in last night, don’t worry about it.  I signed copies of the entire Allie Beckstrom series and Dead Iron, and they are on the shelf, looking for a home.  You don’t have to be local to score a signed copy. The Book Bin will be happy to drop one in the mail for you!

If you are local, and it’s been awhile since you’ve browsed our bookstores, might I suggest you head downtown, get a nice cup of coffee, and stroll on in to the Book Bin?  I think you’ll be happily surprised by their abundant book-goodness.

And to keep up on events and book picks of the month, you can also follow them on Facebook.

Thank you readers, and all the staff of Book Bin for creating such a lovely event!  I had a terrific time, and I hope everyone else did too.

One Comment

  • Nina

    Not so much of a question but a feedback.. I bought the audio version of magic to the bone (just 10 days ago) and got completely dazzled by it.. I can’t put it down! So much that I bought all the other ones that followed and are available on audible and I’m already almost finished listening to #6 (Magic in the hunt).. I’m also already crying because there is no telling when or if there will be an audible version available for #8 and forth 🙁 so consider this plead.. Please please pretty please make all books available on audible.