Cover Reveal – Magic For A Price

After a sharp-eyed (and thoughtful) reader contacted me yesterday to say she had seen a cover for MAGIC FOR A PRICE posted on a blog (and wanted to know if she could share it), I checked with my editor to see if we had a final version. Indeed we do!

Here it is!  Allie Beckstrom book #9, MAGIC FOR A PRICE




















What do you think?  I LOVE it. Once again the amazing artist Larry Rostant and Penguin’s art department have outdone themselves.

My suggestion for the mood of the cover was something along the lines of: “This is the last book in the series. Allie must face the final battle, wage the last war and stand against the imminent apocalypse….”


  • shireen

    love it!!! i am so excited for this, i havent read any books since number eight as nothing catches my interest. The artist is amazing and so is your writing , it captivates you and takes you into Allie’s world…. fantastic.

  • Claire (Cem)

    Oh I love it!! That’s a beautiul cover, and based on Without Mercy, the cover it doing to be totally fitting for the final book! I can’t wait to read it!! But at the same time, I’m dreading it. I don’t want it to be over! I think this cover is my favourite though. Allie looks totally badass!

  • Stephanie

    It looks fantastic!! I mean, all your covers have been great, but this is definitely one of my faves!

    (and how did I miss that this is the final book in the series?!? I’m devastated!)

  • Val

    Question: where are Ally’s magic marks? The earlier book covers clearly show them (mostly on her shoulder and neck), and I miss them.
    Other than that love it!