Some Goings On

The TIN SWIFT blog tour is done, although there are a couple giveaways still open if you’re hoping to score a copy of TIN SWIFT, a magnet, and the steampunk airship bookmark. Check the list here for those giveaways, and also for the free serialized story, HANG FIRE.

Last week was pretty busy. I was interviewed and photographed for a local magazine: Willamette Woman. Both the photographer and reporter were terrifically nice, and hopefully, we’ll see that article in September.

I’m happy to say there are some shiny new changes over on the Deadline Dames. We’re currently updating our web design and are in the fine hands of the amazingly talented Ilona Andrews! Yes, she writes awesome books, and designs kick ass web pages! As a matter of fact, she designed my web page too! If you head over to the Deadline Dames and leave a comment, you’ll be in the running for a copy of Keri Arthur’s novel: BENEATH A RISING MOON.

Today, I turned in the proofed copy of MAGIC FOR A PRICE.  This is the last book in the Allie Beckstrom series, and brings Allie’s story to a close. I had an amazingly good time writing these books, and learned so much.  It is a strange feeling to be ending the series, and after I’ve parsed it a bit more, I’ll be sure to share my experience here.

But here’s something fun to look forward to.  I announced over on A Once and Future Podcast that I have a new series coming out.  It is a spin-off series from the Allie Beckstrom novels.

Guess who the main characters are?

Naw, you don’t have to guess, I’ll tell you.

Are you ready?

Shame and Terric.

Yep. Shame gets his own books, God help us all. 😉


  • Franziska

    YEAH!!! Very cool. You are the best. I will miss Allie, but of course I look forward for the last book 🙂

  • Inga

    I am soooo happy!!!!!!!!! 🙂 I love these two and really looking forward to Shame’s books 🙂 he is funny 🙂

  • Tracy Hall

    Eeek, so sad Allie’s story is coming to an end but delighted Shame and Terric are having their own stories continued, looking forward to it!

  • Tobi Summers

    I may have made an inappropriate squeaking noise. Just maybe.

    I’ll miss Allie, but knowing there’s more Shame to look forward to (and Terric) helps ease the pain.

  • Corrie

    I am so excited!!!!!!! I am glad we are not leaving Allie’s world entirely, and I can’t wait to learn more about Shame!

  • Jessica Dolbear

    OMG!!! I’m gonna miss the Allie books. *tear* But very happy to hear that Shame and Terric are going to have their own series. When does the last Allie book come out?

  • Deborah Blake

    Whoo hoo! I don’t suppose there is any chance of Allie making a guest appearance in Shame and Terric’s book? I hope you gave her a happy ending…that poor girl earned one.

    I have really enjoyed these books and will be sorry to see the series come to an end. On the other hand–is it out yet? Is it out yet?

  • Readsalot81

    Yay!!!!!!!!! This is fantastic news, I absolutely cannot wait to get my paws on a new book featuring Shame & Terric. 😀 Will it be out in 2013? or later? (Inquiring & greedy readers want to know 😉 )

  • Northwoman

    Yay! Just what I wanted and I so WANT Shame! I can’t wait to see them and hopefully some glimpses of our other friends – Allie & Zay, Stone and Cody! I couldn’t be more excited.

  • Poppy

    OMG!!! I’ve been so sad that the Allie books are ending but this makes it so much better!!! I love Shame and Terric (especially Shame) so much! Thank you so much for this wonderful news 🙂

  • Leah

    Gah! I’m so excited for the spin-off series. I just really want Shame and Terric to be happy together in a romanticy relationship, ok 😛

  • mundanename

    Spin-off? I think you mean you just completed the prequel series and now it’s on to the main event!


    Seriously though huge congratulations on finishing. When you first told me you planned to write 9, two a year, I just smiled and thought yeah right. Very happy to be so wrong =)

  • Claire (Cem)

    YES! *screams* Okay, I can’t tell you how excited I am about this news!!! Like so many others, I adore Shame and Terric. I can’t get enough of them. So, so excited about the spin-off!!

  • Nina

    OH yeaaaaah! Super psyched!! Shame & Terric sounds like almost too much fun to handle. I, too, hope that Allie and Z make an appearance though.. they add some good “loving” to the story :). Now, any idea of when this new series might be out of the works and into distribution? I go crazy with the wait.. Come now, Devon.. Throw me a bone??

  • Dawn Young

    That sounds Awesome! Heh-heh. With Shame’s smart mouth, this will be great!!! *smile* Congratulations on publishing another series in Allie’s universe.