Saturday at the Monk’s

So I’m taking a break from the day’s word count and decided to whip up some banana bread.  Hubby, being a useful guy, is outside trimming back some overgrown brush.

He comes in for a quick break and to “quality control” (taste) the batter.  Declares it delicious, then back outside he goes.

Wanting to get a few more words written while the bread bakes, I go to my desk.   As soon as I sit, husband returns, and triumphantly says, “Look what I found!”

“It’s the biggest spider I’ve ever seen in our yard!” he continues happily, holding the glass with a paper towel over it, ABOVE my head* so I can see through the bottom of the cup.

“It must be three inches (7.5 cm) long.  Can you take a picture of it?”


So then he carries it to the living room, and lifts the cup up to slide a quarter in there so we get good scale.

The spider likes it when the cup lifts, and makes a break for it, but hubby has quick reflexes.  Spidey doesn’t slip out.

I get the camera, and take several up close glam shots of the beasty, who, by the end of his exciting photo shoot, was not amused and decided to sulk.

“What are you going to do with it?” I ask.

“I’ll put him down in our blackberry bushes.”

At the look on my face, he started laughing.  “No?”

“You put him in the blackberry patch and I won’t be making cobbler any time soon.”

So Spidey now lives in the massive ivy hedge, FAR AWAY from me.


*This, folks, is what a twenty-five year marriage is built on: TRUST