Quick post is quick

People.  I am SO close to finishing the draft of HELL BENT, book #1 of the Broken Magic series (otherwise known as the Shame and Terric books).

But I promised myself I’d do my best to blog at least three times a week, M-W-F, and here is is W already, and I just don’t have time for a post.

There are things I want to share.  Stuff I want to say, (I still owe answers over on the last post--they’re coming, promise!) but I must finish this book, like yesterday.

Blogging will commence on Friday…which, come to think of it, is the day I’ll be drawing random winners from This Post.

Domo Mini rah!
Spidey-Domo approves this fly-by posting


One Comment

  • jammastere

    OK, I don’t know what the drawing is for but the spidey-domo is super cute and I couldn’t resist the chance at winning something:)