
Thank you all for asking questions that I can include in my FAQ section (currently under construction) on my web page.

As promised, the random number generator has drawn three names.   If you are a winner, please contact me by clicking on the little envelope at the top right corner.  Leave me a message with your address and let me know which book  of mine you would like me to sign and send to you.

And the winners are:

Jennifer, who said: I have a few questions: What was the spell with the infinity symbol that Mikhail gave to Terric, how did Terric know what to do with it toward the end of Book 8, and what exactly did it do?
Jessi Szigethy, who said: When using locations that are based in the real world, do you go on field trips or use previous visits to that place as a base? I ask because I had to go on a field trip to Cathedral Park this past weekend. I needed to see where stuff has happened.
Mashiara, who said: Any chance of there being prequel stories to the Allie Beckstrom series? I’ve always been curious about Shame’s dad.

Congrats, winners!

P.S: If I don’t hear from winners by next Friday, I will do a first-comes, first wins speed-giveaway of the remaining prizes.

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