Cold Copper – Giveaway
Winners have been announced! Click here to see if you’ve won!
In yesterday’s news post, I mentioned all sorts of good news, including that I’d gotten ARCs of COLD COPPER and I want to give them away!
COLD COPPER is the third book in the Age of Steam series, and doesn’t come out until July. This is your chance to get your hands on one nice and early!
I have six (6) copies that I will mail internationally. Remember, these don’t have pretty covers, but I will sign them, and they are filled with typos and other silly mistakes.
All you have to do is leave a comment here on the blog–tell me if you read steampunk, or if you have another type of book that is your favorite read, or heck, let me know what you’re reading right now and enjoying.
RULES: I will draw winners Tuesday, March 26th, sometime before midnight PST. Winners will have one week to contact me. If I don’t hear from winners by April 2, I will do a first-comes first-wins giveaway of the remaining prizes the evening of April 2.
BLOGGERS: I have an additional three books (3) that I’d like to give to bloggers. If you are a blogger who reviews books, andย if you want to read this before July, please contact me by clicking on the little envelopes at the top corner of the page. I will give an ARC copy to the first three bloggers who contact me. This does not mean that bloggers are excluded from the main giveaway. I’m just trying to get the book into the hands of readers who love or want to try the series (thank you, readers! You are awesome!!!) and also into the hands of bloggers who love or want to try the series (thank you bloggers, you are awesome too!)
BJ Szlasa
Oh man i need me some cold copper! was hooked since the first book! usually i read horror/fantasy/steampunk so this is all kinds of up my alley! keep up the good work! grats on the series thus far.
Adam Gallardo
I do read steampunk, and I like it a lot. In fact, I’m about 3/4 of the way through writing a steampunk novel!
Oh yes, I do enjoy steampunk, though I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite genre. I honestly can’t say *any* single genre is my favorite. My favorite genre is BOOK. ๐
I have read all the Age of Steam books. I really enjoyed them and look forward to Cold Copper!
Beth M.
Would love to have a copy of Cold Copper! I love Devon Monk books!
In all honesty, I haven’t tried the Age of Steam series. :-/
I love(d) the Allie series and am counting down the days for the Broken Magic series(228). This would give me a great reason to take the leap, purchase the first two books in the Age of Steam series, and try a new genre. I typically read urban fantasy, and paranormal, contemporary and historical romance. Even if I don’t win this ARC, I still plan to try the series.
Michelle C.
I do read steampunk and really enjoyed the first two books in the series. Would really enjoy getting an early copy of Cold Copper.
Shannon Keith
I love steampunk and, especially, The Age of Steam series! Would love to win an ARC of Cold Copper.
I love steampunk books and I hope I’m chosen!
I am so excited that I am typing this on my phone. Read quite a bit of urban fantasy, psychological sci-fi, and fantasy/sci-fi humor. I assist with art with a board game startup and help out with a number of geek-based events for my pretend job. For my rl job I do technical writing and ad design. I jest finished CEMurphy’s latest in the Walker Papers. We do a lot of ebooks because they are great for travel. Kobo is our choice.
Love reading Steampunk and this series.
I do read steampunk though it is not my go to genre. If it has a good story and interesting characters I’ll read it. I would love an ARC of Cold Copper.
I read steampunk! I’m currently reading (and loving) The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma. And I’ve been known to dress genre appropriate at Dragon*con. Your series is among my favorite steampunk books. ๐
E Stemp
Huge fan of steampunk in the mold of supernatural steampunk, Kate Locke, Gail Carriger, Meljean Brook and yourself.
Hard to find Steampunk with Western twist that’s just this good, I’m partial to an Honor Harrington novel by David Weber and some other good Scifi as well as Urban Fantasy (patricia Briggs, Illona Andrews…) I could talk about books for ages……and ages……and ages…….
I loved your Allie Beckstrom novels. I’d love to try your steampunk series too. :). Keep up the great writing.
Jason B.
I don’t normally read much steampunk (it’s more a visual thing for me… comics and video), but Ms. Beckstrom highly recommended this series to me, so I’ve been hooked. ๐
This series is my first foray into the steampunk world. I though, Devon was good to me with the Allie series so I’ll start with her world and see how I like it. I’m 75% through with Tin Swift and parts of it remind me so much of Captain Mal from Firefly that it just makes me grin. It’s like if you merge Hink and Cedar you’d get something that couldn’t help but misbehave!
Love steampunk!!
Hello! I do read steampunk I think its a very intresting and fun sort of mash up. I generally find magic/fantasy sort of books my favorite. I think what What I like about steampunk is its a good line between science and fantasy.
I am reading Magic for a Price right now but I just finished Clockwork Angel. (Hey look that was steampunk too)
Sharon Dyer
I LOVE your Allie Beckstrom series and have them all……but have not tried the Age of Steam books yet! (Been meaning to, just haven’t made a trip to the bookstore to snatch them up yet!) So it would be awesome to win a signed copy!
i am a HUGE fan of the AGE OF STEAM series and i would LOVE to read Cold Copper sooner than later! i can’t wait to see what happens! ๐
thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Not only do I read steampunk, but YOURS are my favourites so far :-)… oh, and Lilith Saintjohn’s. And Cherie Priest’s. But that’s it for favourites! I swear! Except for… well, never mind. Pick me, please!
Katy C.
I’ve only read a little Steampunk (yours included), but I’ve loved what I’ve read! My usual niche is fantasy ๐
I’d love to get my hands on this gem early!
Kristie Quon
Yours is the first steampunk series I have read and I have really enjoyed it. =D I look forward to reading Cold Copper.
Barbara Elness
Yes, I read steampunk and I’ve enjoyed the rest of the Age of Steam series. Every time I find new steampunk books to read, I grab them. Two more series I love are Meljean Brooks’ Iron Seas series and Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate series. I’m reading Ilona Andrews’ On the Edge right now, and I’m loving it.
Joshua S. Fields
I’d love to get my hands on this! Currently reading “Never Deal With A Dragon” by Robert N. Charette, to get ready for #ShadowrunReturns
This has been the only Steampunk series I’ve read, but I really enjoyed them! Currently I’ve been trying to get through Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, but I got stuck on the 9th book and haven’t been able to pick it up and read in a while!
I love reading !!! Steam punk is a great genre I’m also
A huge fan of paranormal and urban fantasy my fav authors would
Have to be ilona Andrews and her Kate and curran series !
I hadn’t read steampunk until reading your books. Now I’m happy to have a whole new genre to explore.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I love steampunk! But right now I’m reading Ben Aaronovitch.
Debbie Mumford
Love Steampunk…and am currently reading Dead Iron ๐
Pam P
Love steampunk, yours and Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas are my favorites, I can never wait for the next story to come out.
Barbara B
Steampunk is a relatively new genre for me, but I enjoy it as a change from my go to’s of urban fantasy and suspense/thrillers. I have read Dead Iron and Tin Swift and look forward to reading Cold Copper.
I haven’t read your Age of Steam series but I loved Allie Beckstrom. I’m reading a lot of different series. Some of them are the Jane True series by Nicole Peeler The Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs and the Otherworld series by Yasmine Galenorn. Those are just a few that have books coming out soon so I’m rereading them again. ๐
Carol M.
I do enjoy steampunk, and love this series! Thanks for doing this giveaway. ๐
Suriayani Raip
Yes! I want it!!! Please please please oh please Devon! U r soooooooo sweeet and kind please let me have this one *.*
Thank you <3
Don’t read much steampunk other than yours- which is amazing. I am reading the new Anne Bishop book ‘Written in Red’ at the moment then I am going to read the new Robin Hobb ‘The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince’ and the new Patricia Briggs ‘Frost Burned’- its a good month! Very excited for ‘Cold Copper’ coming out in July.
Danielle D.
I have only read your steampunk which I have enjoyed. I am currently reading the Harry Dresden series (just finished book 7). I really enjoy, fantasy, historical fiction, and historical nonfiction.
Rev. Bob
Of course I read steampunk. Steampunk is cool…like bow ties and fezzes.
I do read steampunk! Just finished a book that had a lot of steampunk elements – Liesel Schwarz’s A Conspiracy of Alchemists! That was a very fun read. Thanks for the giveaway Devon!! ๐
Have only read your books so far. Want to keep reading more. A whole different take on history, I like it.
Your series was my first introduction to steampunk and now i love this genre too but it’s not my favorite
thank you a lot for the int giveaway ( sadly i think i’m already too late for the blogger copy but i will do one for sure)
Looking forward to both the new steam punks, especially cold copper.
Keep up the good work!
Me, me, me, I wants it soo bad…
Chris Tice
Too slow on the draw I am. Love your Age of Steam series and have just finished Magic to the Bone. I will be picking up a copy of your new one when its out.
I love your books. You’re such a great writer, and you bring your characters to life like few authors can. ๐ thanks for all the great reads
Shelby D
I love the Allie books and just bought Dead Iron. I have not ever read steampunk but I am ready to enjoy a new genre! I can’t wait ๐
I would love to win this because 1) I love your writing 2) I have always wanted an arc 3) because I never am picked for these kinds of things (but oh well it’s at least fun to try). I guess you could say I absolutely love urban fantasy. I just started getting into a little bit of steam punk with your series and Lilith St. Crow’s new series along with Delilah Dawson’s “Wicked as they Come” although I wouldn’t really say that is straight steam punk but it is so much fun! You should read it if you haven’t-such an amazing world! Right now I am waiting for the next book By M. J. Scott “Iron Kin” on April 3rd. I guess that it’s really more straight fantasy. Thanks for the contest! Good luck to everyone else I hope whoever gets it is just as excited about its upcoming release.
We’ll all love reading about a magical Portland through Shame’s eyes. I’m looking forward to it!
So glad you’d happy with this pair of gloves. I’m almost finishec with my first hat. The scarf has a ways to go right now. At the moment it looks like a soft neck cozy. ๐ I’m hoping to knit my very own Stone soon.
I really haven’t give steampunk a good go.. since I only read yours and Meljean’s books.. I guess I’ll have to include Jim Butcher in this exclusive list since his big announcement about… โThe Aeronautโs Windlassโ .. Mostly I read urban fantasy and space opera.
I have really enjoyed all your books and the Age of Steam is my first steampunk series. I have also just finished the Kate Daniel series by Ilona Andrews, which I also enjoyed.
Carolyn West
I love Science Fiction and Fantasy and Devon Monk! Would be great to read and review this book…and help out with typos and other silly mistakes, too! ๐
I would love to read this!
Carla R.
I’m more into fantasy, I admit, and dark fantasy, mostly. But I recently discovered some really good books, so I discovered steampunk can be quite interesting as well.
Kristi Fox
So excited to delve into Cold Copper. I’ve loved every bit of this series, including Hang Fire! I’m still new to reading Steampunk, but I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read so far. I’m a true Urban Fantasy fan as well. Looking forward to getting into Shame’s head a little more too! Keep writing and we’ll all keep reading.
Charlotte Copper
I just joined the DeadlineDames blog. I read & write mostly paranormal romance, and have only just dipped my toe into the Steampunk universe with the Anthology:Corsets and Clockwork
Steve Gathercole
I am hooked on your steam punk books just as I was with the alli beckstrome series which I finished
My daughter got me hooked on the steampunk series. I really enjoyed the books. I can’t wait for the next one to come out! Right not I’m getting started on the Allie Beckstrom series.
Love your series!!!
Samantha R
I read steampunk – some steampunk, anyway… If it’s any good… And so I’d love a copy of Cold Copper! ;oD
Started this series about a month ago and it’s amazing! Would love to win an advanced copy!