News and Whatnot

Things You Can Read Soon

image002HANG FIRE – Finally!  Thank you, everyone for being patient with me on this one.  HANG FIRE is the twenty-part serial short story I wrote that takes place between DEAD IRON and TIN SWIFT in the Age of Steam steampunk series.  It originally appeared as part of a blog tour I did before TIN SWIFT came out. I’ve been contacted by several people who are disappointed they can’t backtrack and easily find all the sections of the story.  I am happy to say HANG FIRE  will be e-published in its entirety in April.  This will be my first foray into epublishing, but I have a feeling it won’t be my last. 🙂

Unnatural-Worlds-ebook-cover-webLIFE BETWEEN DREAMS – New, original-world fantasy short story will be available in Fiction River – Unnatural Worlds anthology.  Mary Still and Tom Curious are part of an agency that monitors terrors and imaginings and the disasters they create. But when they are forced to  decide what is worth sacrificing for love, dreams, and each other, they might be making a mistake that could end the world.

Available in April.  If readers like this one, I think there could be more Still and Curious stories in the future.


DevonMonk_DeadIron170DEAD IRON – That’s right! My wonderful publisher, Roc is re-releasing DEAD IRON (book #1 of the Age of Steam series) in paperback this June!  How excited am I about this?  Amazingly excited!!

COLD COPPER – Book #3 in the Age of Steam series will be out on July 2nd!  *throws confetti* And is available for pre-order now. I can’t wait for people to get their hands on this book. More on that below…


Things I’m working on

HELL BENT – Book #1 of the Broken Magic series is the spinoff of the Allie Beckstrom books.  It takes place three years after the end of the Allie books, and is told through Shame Flynn’s point of view.  While this is a book that focuses on Shame and Terric, I am writing it to stand on its own without anyone needing to read the Allie series. We *do* get to see an awful LOT of familiar faces, both friends and foes.  I’m finishing the editorial revisions on it this month, and will send it back to my editor to see if we have a book.  If she gives me the all-clear, then I will turn my attention to book #2 in the series, STONE COLD.  HELL BENT will be out November 5, 2013 (here’s a pre-order link). Oh, and I recently got a peek at the cover.  I think you’re going to love it!!

There is, of course, some news I can’t share yet. But trust me when I say some Other Really Cool Stuff is brewing, and I will clue you in as soon as I can.

Tune in tomorrow for: Things* I can give you

*A box of advance reader copies of COLD COPPER showed up on my doorstep, and I’ll be giving those bad boys away!


  • Mashiara

    *w00t!* I love hearing news about new fiction. I will pop back in tomorrow for a chance at Cold Copper.

  • romantic idiot

    I LOVE your books. I went to pre-order Hell Bent, but there wasn’t a link to the e-book version. I am a little worried about the hint of the new assassin you are lining up for Shame. I love Shame and Terric, and have been ;shipping them since we first met Terric, so if you are worried about a loss in readership if you don’t have a heterosexual couple as the protagonists and endgame, please let me assure you that here is at least one reader you will NOT lose.

    Looking forward to the new world order…