Onward to Step One

chicken buddyI’ve spent the last week trying to get my brain in the right place for writing STONE COLD, book #2 in the Broken Magic series.  Maybe, maybe I’ve finally figured out the right way to approach it.

I don’t know why this book has been so challenging to get started.  It could be because this is a two book series at this point, so book #2 has to do the work of tying off everything from book #1 (HELL BENT), tell a great story, and wrap everything up for the series.  That’s asking the book to carry some of the weight of a middle book, and also all of the action of a final book, while still needing to stand on its own as…well as a book.

Or it could be that I’ve never set out to write a two-book series before, and I am just over thinking it.  (a-hem)

Anyway, I have an opening line I finally like, which is good.  Unfortunately, all the rest of what I’ve written doesn’t fit with that opening line.  So….I’m at square one again. But this time I’m at square one with an opening line! Win!


  • Deborah Blake

    I’m sure it will be spectacular once you’re done. I’m starting a second book soon, and this is only the second time I’ve gotten as far as a second book in a series, so we’ll see…

    • Devon

      If all the stars aligned and there was demand for more Shame books, I could see myself writing a couple more.

      But at this point I have to operate as if these two books are the only stories from him we get. Which means making both books stand on their own, and also work together as one hell of a ride.