Cover Reveal – Hell Bent

Over the weekend I got a tweet asking if the cover for HELL BENT that was floating around the internet was okay to share.  I replied that I still had a draft version of the cover, and hadn’t gotten the go-ahead to share yet from my publisher, but that I’d check.

So I checked.  And I’m happy to say that YES! The cover for HELL BENT is final and ready to be revealed.

I want to take a moment and thank the people who contacted me *before* posting the cover. I know it’s nearly impossible for the author to be the first person who gets to share the cover of their books these days, but I also know that sometimes the cover that gets early posted (and reposted, and reposted) is still a draft and subject to some pretty big changes.

Anyone who goes out of their way to contact me about things like sharing a cover that hasn’t appeared on my page or anywhere else on the web before posting it, has my deep gratitude. So, to the fine ladies and gents who held off posting the cover before checking in with me, I raise my coffee in toast to you today!

And now, let’s have a look at that final cover, shall we?


Available November 5, 2013

The artist is Michael Heath.  I think he did a great job! I love the action of the scene, and love that our hero is front and center with trouble coming his way. And is that the St. Johns bridge off in the distance? I do think this version of Shame is looking pretty clean-cut and on top of his game, which might not always be the case in the story itself.  😉  Still, it shows a strength and toughness that I like, and Shame is certainly both tough and strong, especially when all hell is breaking loose.

What do you think?