Contest to win Cold Copper

There’s a contest to win a galley of COLD COPPER on Facebook!  Here’s the link.

COLD COPPER is the third book in my steampunk series and takes the characters we met in DEAD IRON and TIN SWIFT onward to new (and of course dangerous) adventures as they cross the states searching for pieces of the deadliest weapon ever built before it falls into the wrong hands.

Here’s the gorgeous cover by artist Cliff Nielsen:


Here’s the quick blurb on the back:

In steam age America, men, monsters, machines, and magic battle to claim the same scrap of earth and sky. In this madness, one man struggles to keep his humanity, his honor, and his hell-bent mission intact.

So why are you still here? Go! Enter! Win!  🙂


  • miki

    i don’t have facebook so i will pass this one but i do hope there will be an internationakl giveaway for finished copy later.. i’ve become addicted to this series^^

    good luck to those entering ( and the cover are always so fitting , i love it)

  • Mashiara

    I’m torn. I already won an autographed ARC (Thank you again, Devon!) and don’t want to be greedy. But the cover is BEAUTIFUL!

    decisions, decisions.