Dead Iron for your pocket

DEAD IRON is now officially out in mass market paperback!

That means it is now available in the same size as the Allie Beckstrom books, and the same (cheaper) price too!

dead iron magic price

I am so excited about this!  I LOVE paperback format (okay, I love Trade format too, but I was raised on paperbacks and still love them best) and I have to say DEAD IRON looks pretty darn cunning in this compact format.

So if you missed the series when it came out in Trade a couple years ago, now might be a great time to jump in!

dead iron trade paperback

P.S. Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I’m working hard on STONE COLD, book #2 in the Broken Magic series (Shame and Terric). Hopefully in the next week or so, I’ll surface and be a normal person again.  Well, when I say “normal”….. 😉


  • miki

    it’s a great news but i will keep with etrade format at first so it doesn’t look strange on my shelves then i will have to get teh paperback formats too ( simply because i won’t resist long^^)

  • Cathy/greytfriend

    I’m so glad they didn’t change rhe cover like they sometimes do when the mass market paperbacks come out. Changing that cover would be a crime! Congratulations, I hope you get many more readers and owners for this terrific series. I just put my reservation for Cold Copper a few days ago, I’m really looking forward to it. Try not to work too hard (as much as I’m looking forward to those books as well).