Random Updatery

Good news!  I finished the submission draft of STONE COLD (book #2 Broken Magic series)  and turned it in to my editor on Monday! *whew*

After a tight deadline, I usually get a little goofy.  It’s like I’ve been so hunkered down in this place of otherness that when I pop back out into the real world I am dizzy on the oxygen and noise and brightness of it all.  My brain’s like, “Wheeee! Sentences don’t sense have to make! Bird–funny! Spatula–funny! This apple looks disappointed!” And so on. So if this post rambles a bit, my apologies.

Things I want to do now that I turned the book in:

  • Go see Star Trek Into the Darkness
  • Buy a pair of summer shoes
  • Sleep. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
  • Give up coffee
  • Answer emails/invites
  • Blog about the very cool JayFest Powell’s Books is putting on Thursday, June 13th! I’ll be there with a dozen awesome NW writers, signing anything you bring me. Yes! Anything.  My books!  My bookmarks! Your shoe! Heck, if you have a favorite book by a favorite author–I’ll sign their name on it for you!*
  • Post a link about the Powell’s signing…..HERE’S THE LINK

Things I have to do now that I turned the book in:

  • Copy edits for the other Shame book, HELL BENT are due in 9 days. So, um…that.
  • I am working on another project that I haven’t announced. Will say more later, but there’s a deadline coming up on it too.
  • *Confess that I probably won’t sign other author names in their books for you. I think that was just the oxygen talking.
  • Do all those things up on that first list. Except “give up coffee.”  What? I’m not that crazy. 😉

One Comment

  • Cathy/greytfriend

    Thank goodness, I was afraid you were serious about giving up coffee! I did just read that up to three cups a day can have some pretty good health benefits. So they say this week! And ice cream had lots of protein and calcium in it too 😉 Here’s the NYTimes column if you’re interested though. Congratulation on all of the good work you did!!! Can’t wait to see it.
