Catching up

hellbent coverJust a few quick announcements

If you contacted me recently via the little envelope button on my blog, I’ve um…accidentally erased all those messages via installing/uninstalling a plug-in on my web page.  If you are waiting on an answer from me, please re-email me using that little envelope button on my blog and I promise I won’t accidentally erase it again. 😀

If you were a winner of one of the HELL BENT ARCs, I *did* get your email. Hopefully I answered you. All ARCs have been mailed. So if you don’t have it, you should very soon.

Speaking of HELL BENT

HELL BENT received a very nice 4 star review in RT Book Reviews!  Yay!

Other reviews for HELL BENT have been trickling in, some privately (I am so thankful those were positive) and I do believe the first review has appeared on Goodreads.  Thank you!

Since we have just over six weeks before the book comes out,  I hope to start posting snippets and anything else I can put together (deleted scenes, maybe?  Extras?)  in the next week or two.

Stay tuned!


  • Adowling

    Ooo, that first review was me! I said to my husband, when I was almost finished, ‘she needs to write faster’. My husband responds ‘she’s not finished publishing this one, be patient’. He’s funny, patience, ha.

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