Hell Bent – Countdown

HELL BENT, the first book in the spinoff series from the Allie Beckstrom books is out in just 8 days!  Which means I’m doing my deep breathing to keep the release day panic at bay. 😉

However, the amazing Tiffany Rose at Art Over Chaos is doing something way cooler than deep breathing.  She’s doing a countdown until release day!

Once a day, until November 5th, she will post a picture, quote, or thought about the book.  Here is the first pic she posted a couple days ago:

Hell Bent AOC 1

How awesome is that?  There are two more great images you can find by clicking her Tumblr or following her  on Twitter.  And she has lots more coming up!

Give her a follow, won’t ya? I’ll do my best to do a daily update here too. Then we can all countdown together!