Terrible Angels

Terrible angelsI recently had the chance to see an early showing of TERRIBLE ANGELS a dark indie film my amazing cameraman brother, Darin Woods, was involved in making.

TERRIBLE ANGELS was made here in Oregon, featuring talented actors and actresses, including Michael Madsen.  I don’t usually seek out horror movies, but hey–my brother was a part of this creative work, had talked to me about the process and some of the challenges of making the film, and I wanted to see the end product.

I’m very glad I did!  This is a high-quality indie film, tense and dark without resorting to gore. While it takes a little while to get going, once it kicks into gear, it had me hooked to the end. The actors and actresses are terrific, the directing handled with a deft touch, and the ending caught me totally by surprise.

If you’d like to take a peek at some behind-the-scenes shots and info on the film, check out their Facebook page and show them some comment love.

Indie films are often pulled together through the determination, talent, and passion of a few hard-working people. That is certainly true with this film.

TERRIBLE ANGELS will be out on October 15th on Netflix, Redbox, and in stores such as Target, Best Buy, and Walmart.

But until then…here’s the trailer to give you a taste:


  • nikki

    Okay, I just watched it and loved it but am confused…. Was the whole thing a set up to change the peoples lives around? The end through me off completely.

    • Camaro69!

      Nikki, it took me a rewatch of the end to figure it out also, cause it almost went over my head too. Rewind it and watch again , note the file on the desk in one scene with LInda’s name on it with her father’s name on it as well and his request for her to be “put in the program”. I DO think that guy who held them captive, made them coffins, etc. was a bit TOO eager playing his character if he wasn’t there to physically hurt anybody??!!