Hell Bent – More Pics & Review

We’re still counting down to Hell Bent‘s release on Tuesday November 5th!  The amazing Tiffany Rose has been knocking it out of the park with these graphics!  What do you think about this picture of Shame she posted yesterday?

Shame smoking

And how about this picture of Terric, posted today?

Terric silver

I LOVE having pictures of the boys, and can’t thank her enough for making and sharing these!

You know what else I love?  Getting an awesome review from Julie at Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks.

She gave HELL BENT 5+ stars! Here’s part of what she had to say.  To read the rest, or follow Julie’s awesome reviews, click here.

Holy crap on a cracker, this one put me through the ringer!  In fact, I don’t remember the last time I was this affected by a book.  To be honest, I believe it knocked me out so much is because I read all of the Allie Beckstrom books and in that series, Shame goes through hell and back (sometimes literally).  So to see him in this book, going through both happy and devastating moments, made my heart truly go out to him.  I don’t believe you need to read the Allie books to get anything out of this book.  I honestly think if you are a fan of urban fantasy with a snarky element to it and a very unique concept and world, you will love this book.  I’m just saying you will get just a little bit more out of it if you met Shame and Terric previously, as I did.

Devon did a perfect job telling the story through Shame’s point of view.  The book is told in the first person and not once did I feel this was a woman trying to write from a man’s pov.  One of the things I adore so much about Shame is his humor and snark.  He has a sarcastic sense of humor and I love that kind of laugh.  Devon definitely manages to incorporate Shame’s ‘smart-mouth’ while giving us a great inside view of what is going on inside Shame’s head and heart.  He is such a beautiful mess but one you will love if this is the first time you meet or one you will love even more (if that is even possible) if you have followed his adventures before.
