
This is going to be another one of those quick catch up posts, which means I’ve been pretty busy lately. But in case you’re curious about what’s been happening in Devon land, I shall sum up:


1. We said goodbye to our sweet dog, Mojo last week. He was a faithful and stalwart companion for 14 years and we were so lucky to have him in our life.  We will miss him terribly. RIP Mo. 🙁


2. Spring is here, and that means garden time!  This year I’ve planted carrots, beets, broccoli, onions, peas, squash, and cucumbers.  I also put three different kinds of sunflowers into the ground all in one bed.  If they all come up, that side of the house is going to be mobbed by a riot of blooms.  I can’t wait!

Still left to plant: pumpkins, zucchini, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, and watermelon. Yes, we’re going to try watermelons. Yes, we have very low expectations of actually harvesting any watermelons, but who knows, we might get a long enough sunny season for them to thrive. (ha!)


House Immortal.indd1. I have turned in book #1 of the House Immortal series.  It is titled: HOUSE IMMORTAL (see how clever we are?) That will be out for your reading pleasure in September.  I am currently writing book #2 in that series.  It is untitled at the moment and due to my editor Really Soon Now.  Which leads me to…

2. I took a couple days away from my home office to get some work done on this novel. What made me most happy about that trip was writing 10,000 words in one day. I haven’t done that in a while now and it was good to remind myself that sometimes I can write very quickly indeed.  It is a useful skill, particularly for first drafts.


Upcoming Goodness

1. STONE COLD, book #2 of the broken magic series will be out April 1st!  That’s in just 11 days!!  Wow!  This will be the end of the two-book Shame and Terric spin-off from the Allie Beckstrom books. (Well, end for the time being, anyway. There could always be more stories about these characters.)

Hell Bent Stone Cold 300-horz

2. In the next couple weeks I will be sending out another newsletter (subscribe right here on sidebar of blog) with exclusive excerpts, news, pictures, knitting patterns, and any other kind of awesome or silliness I find.  If you have a request for something you’d like to see in the newsletter, please let me know!  I want these to be fun and full of extra content.

3. I have a few interviews coming up soon that will be posted on blogs.  I’ll link them as I see them pop up.

And that’s about it for now.  I will try to stay more current with posting here. Until next time: Happy Reading!

One Comment

  • Deborah Blake

    I’m so sorry about your dog. It never gets any easier.

    But very happy about the writing and the books!