Done/Not Done

house immortal

Last week when I checked in, I mentioned I’d be plowing through copy edits for HOUSE IMMORTAL all week.  Well, I was right. About an hour ago, I finished going through the entire book. Since copy edits aren’t due until tomorrow, I’ve printed the book and am going to give it a quick read to see if the changes I made make sense.

Remember, this is my last chance to really change anything on a large scale, so I want it to be as good as it can be.

Then I’ll write up the Acknowledgement and Dedication and send it all back to my editor.

What will I be up to next? Book #3 in the House Immortal series is due in September, and I’m just beginning to put notes together for the structure of the story. While I’m waiting for the revision notes for Book #2 (INFINITY BELL) I’ll outline book #3, leaving enough wiggle room for the inevitable changes that will take place during Book #2’s revisions.

That’s one of the things about writing a series with installments released every six months–you end up plucking a lot of strings that set off echoes in future books. Heck, I changed some things in the copy edits of HOUSE IMMORTAL (book #1) because of how INFINITY BELL (book#2) came together.

In other news, I want to thank all you awesome readers who picked up STONE COLD! Thank you for hanging out with Shame and Terric, as they tried to get their messy lives (and deaths) together. 😉

Oh, and another big thank you goes out to readers who left a review for the book, mentioned it online or encouraged a friend to give it a try. You all rock.

Until next Tuesday*: read well, be well!

*Remember: If you have any questions, or something you’d like me to blog about, just leave a comment.


  • Deborah Blake

    I just got my copy! I was just getting started on serious outlining and character development for my next novel when I got the revisions for the 2nd BABA YAGA novel. Writing definitely doesn’t happen in a straight line…