Words, Lovely Words

A-ha! This makes two whole Tuesdays in a row that I’ve blogged. I’m on a roll now! 😉

This week I am up to my ears in copy edits for HOUSE IMMORTAL since the copy edited manuscript is due back on the 30th. This pass is where I can straighten awkward sentences, check for continuity, and generally put that last bit of polish on the story.

It is the best and last chance for me to catch the big errors.  Little errors, like typos, can still be caught when I go through the typeset proofs of the book.

When I’m writing and revising, I am always baffled at how tricky it is to get all the strings and pulleys and gears of a book to work correctly. Writing a book is like trying to flatten a rubber ball with a hammer–there’s a lot of sweating and swearing going on, and at any given moment something is bouncing off uncontrollably.

But by the time copy edits roll around, the book is finally a book. All the pulleys and gears are stowed and hidden in the background leaving nothing but words, lovely words, to carry us away.

House Immortal.indd

Available September 2, 2014

One hundred years ago, eleven powerful ruling Houses consolidated all of the world’s resources and authority into their own grasping hands. Only one power wasn’t placed under the command of a single House: the control over the immortal galvanized….

Matilda Case isn’t like most folk. In fact, she’s unique in the world, the crowning achievement of her father’s experiments, a girl pieced together from bits. Or so she believes, until Abraham Seventh shows up at her door, stitched with life thread just like her and insisting that enemies are coming to kill them all.

Tilly is one of thirteen incredible creations known as the galvanized, stitched together beings immortal and unfathomably strong. For a century, each House has fought for control over the galvanized. Now the Houses are also tangled in a deadly struggle for dominion over death—and Tilly and her kind hold the key to unlocking eternity

The secrets that Tilly must fight to protect are hidden within the very seams of her being. And to get the secrets, her enemies are willing to tear her apart piece by piece…