Age of Steam series

Over the last year or so, readers have asked me if I’m going to finish the Age of Steam steampunk series.  As it stands now, there are three novels and one short story in the series, um…in this order:


1.5. HANG FIRE (short story, Kindle only at this point)



If you’ve read these novels, you know there is an almost-guaranteed plot for 7 books, what with all the bits of that pesky world-destroying device our heroes need to find. At the end of Cold Copper, things really take a turn toward the interesting. There is certainly more story to tell.

So where is book #4?

When I pitched DEAD IRON, I was contracted for two books, releasing on a once-a-year schedule. At that time, I was also writing two-books-a-year in the Allie Beckstrom series.

The Age of Steam books take a bit of research, and I prefer a little slower writing pace when I’m putting them together. Nonetheless, I happily wrote these books in between the Allie books with a love and passion that I hope shows on the page.

These characters are important to me. Fun to be around. Ornery. I love them like the dickens.

But by the time we were negotiating the single-book contract for book #3, the market for steampunk had shifted fairly drastically, and sales were not climbing. My editor and publisher still believed in the series, and so did I, so we found a way to get Cold Copper into the hands of readers.

My publisher didn’t cancel the series. As a matter of fact, they have dibs on seeing the next book in the series when I write it.

That’s right: when.

There are four more books in this series. I plan to write them.  Some of you have gone out of your way to tell me how much you’ve enjoyed the trouble Cedar, Mae, Hink, Rose, Wil and those wily Madder brothers get themselves into. I can’t tell you how much those comments have meant to me.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I have the best readers in the world!

The “how” of writing another steampunk book is another question. Right now, I’m writing book #3 in the House Immortal series–a new trilogy with books coming out this September, next March, then September again.  I am also finishing off proofs for book #1, and have revisions for book #2 right around the corner. Then there will be revisions for book #3, copy edits for books #2 & #3, more proofs, etc., etc..

So this year is out for writing another book.

My hope (and at this point, it’s a hope not a promise) is that I can write the next steampunk in 2015. Where it will be published, how it will be published, and when it will be published is very much up in the air.

But I will keep all of you in the loop as the adventure unfolds.

Age of Steam 1-3-horz


  • Ghost4life

    Good things come to those who wait! I can’t wait for you to finish this series! Cedar is probably my favorite hero in a book in a very long time.

  • Varina Suellen Plonski

    Hey, whaddaya mean,steampunk sales are not climbing! We’re here, ain’t we?

    *sigh* Okay, Devon; if we have to wait, we have to wait. But that’s just the point – we WILL be waiting! That’s guaranteed sales, right there!

    Cedar and his friends rapidly became part of out lives, and we want them back. And though I much prefer having a real book in my hands, I’ll be just as happy if you have to self-publish the rest of the series as e-Books so long as I get to read them. So you just write them as you can, and we’ll be here with our money in our hands as soon as you let us know.

    Age of Steam ROCKS! And so does Devon Monk!

    • Reginald Gabreal Phoenix

      I have never purchased an e book. I prefer paper and ink, but if age of steam could only see the light of day through my monitor or phone screen, I would totally start a digital library just for them.

  • AH@badassbookreviews

    It’s good to hear that you will be continuing to write this series – it’s one of the more unique steampunk series out there. I have not yet had a chance to read Cold Copper yet so at least I’ll have time to catch up on the series before the next one comes out.

  • James Creel

    thank you very much for going forth with the steampunk series, can’t wait for 2015 hopefully. i really enjoyed this series and the beckstrom series.

  • Marcia Meara

    I can understand your dilemma, and it makes me sad that it isn’t easier. I can’t believe the market for steampunk is on the decline. It’s huge here in my area, still, but I’m sure no expert. I AM, however, a major fan of the Age of Steam series, Cedar Hunt, and all his friends…and creepy-ass enemies. (And boy, is one of them truly creepy.) I will buy every book, no matter how long it takes to get them out there, and I will continue to promote and recommend them on my blog, Bookin’ It. And review them on amazon. And anything else I can do as one person to get the word out. I’ve read a bit of steampunk over the last couple of years, and this series is hands down, my favorite–probably because of the characters, and the overall quirkiness of each one of them–but the world building is very good, as well. Good luck with all you are doing, and I’ll just continue to bide my time until the 4th book comes out. Looking forward to your new trilogy in September. Best wishes!

  • Veronica

    I’ve been visiting your blog every few weeks just looking for any news on this series. I just adore Cedar and the rest of the gang so I take the news that this series is still very much in your future plans as a very good and hopeful thing. Do what you need to do and, in the meantime, we’ll leave the light on for you. 🙂

  • Raelle

    I am so excited to hear that you are planning to continue this series. I have been checking for the next book constantly. It is my favorite series to date and I can’t wait to see what is going to develop next, with Cedar especially. I have read these at least 5 times and recommended them to all my friends in the hopes of having someone else I know love them as much as me. I will wait as long as it takes for the next one to come out and be one of the first in line to pick it up. =)

  • Justin fleury


    I’m a new reader of yours and you are awesome!!! I just finished dead iron took me two days but it was such a great read. Ordered tin swift off Amazon because local book stores only had dead iron and cold copper. I am really looking forward to the rest of the story!!!!

  • Varina Suellen Plonski

    Hi, Devon!
    Like Raelle and others I have been checking back on this post, and I am so happy that you are planning on continuing this great series! I, too, will be waiting with bated breath for the next book, and the next, and… There is a thriving community of steampunk enthusiasts in the Tampa Bay area, as well as throughout Florida, and I recommend this series to everyone I come in contact with. We’re all waiting and rooting for you!

  • Suze

    I love the age of steam series. Now that cold copper is getting a mass market paperback edition, does this mean there are concrete plans for book 4? I really really really hope so. Thank you for all the great books.

  • Kathryn

    I just finished reading book 3 and thoroughly enjoyed them all. I look forward to the rest of the books when you have a chance to write them. Have you considered using kickstarter to get them out at least in eBook format? It seems to have worked well for Rachel Caine.

  • Laura B

    I just recently read the Age of Steam books and surely hope you are able to get the rest of the series published. Even if it’s as an e-book release only! I’ll second the Kickstarter idea as well. The Girl Genius webcomic does that to publish their graphic novels and it works great.
    As an aside, am I the only one who hears Nathan Fillion (Mal from Firefly) in their head when Cedar Hunt speaks? 🙂 For some reason the flavor of this series reminds me strongly of Firefly…I hope that’s OK!

  • Suze

    Is there any news on your writing schedule for this series? I love all your books, but I would really really really love to read the next book in this series 😀