Random updates x 3

House Immortal.inddWriting: If you’ve been following along, you know that copy edits for HOUSE IMMORTAL were due last Wednesday. I tore through the entire book in Word, marking and changing as I went, and then I printed the book out and read through it a second time, hand-marking changes, which I then input into the document.

I am happy to say that I turned the copy edits in on time! Yay!  This is the book that will come out in September. Since it is the start of a new series, I am both excited and nervous about it.

HOUSE IMMORTAL is lighter in tone than the Broken Magic series. I think it leans closer to the tone of the Allie Beckstrom books, but with a quirky sort of slant to it. It’s been great fun to write, and I sure hope readers will enjoy it.

I am currently outlining/scene sketching book #3 in the trilogy. Tomorrow, I’ll dive in and start writing even if I’m unsure of exactly where I’m headed.  Deadlines, people. Deadlines.

Other stuff: The garden is in, although I had to replant zucchini and carrots. I still need to put in garlic and potatoes, and probably spinach, but there’s still time for that. I have also sprayed  ten gallons of weed killer around the edges of the yard to combat the ivy and blackberries. Not sure that it did much good…I see another round of poison and a machete in my future.

We’re doing a home-improvement project that has me sorting through a lot of junk and clutter in the basement. I love having a cleaner more organized space, but man, it takes some time and effort to get through all the sorting, throwing, and recycling. By the end of the project (which will likely take months) we’re hoping for a fully organized, functional basement.

Random Crafting: Speaking of organizing…Sunday, I threw together a jewelry holder in about an hour using the old frame from our bathroom vanity, a spare lace curtain, some paint, string and a staple gun. Really easy, pretty cute, and a good way to keep the tangles outta my bangles.  Plus it turned out to be a fine little organization project using the things we already had on hand. *win*

lace frame



  • Varina Suellen Plonski

    But – what about your Old West Steampunk series? You’ve left Cedar dying of poison! And four more metals left to find! Please, oh, please tell us you’re not abandoning this!

  • Colleen

    The jewelry organizer is very clever. Is the lace strong enough to hold all the earrings? I put a hook thing on my wall to hold necklaces but I like idea of hanging my earrings too..and it’s pretty.

  • Joylyn

    Oooo…..I love the jewelry organizer! It is pretty and functional. I may have to steal that idea and hunt up an empty frame and some lace. I really need something for my earrings!

  • William

    I am commenting about this message above: ‘I am currently outlining/scene sketching book #3 in the trilogy. Tomorrow, I’ll dive in and start writing even if I’m unsure of exactly where I’m headed. Deadlines, people. Deadlines.’

    I was not understanding if you were talking about the House Immortal series or the Broken Magic series. I HOPE you were talking about the broken magic series, as I don’t read fast and usually takes me months to read a book, but can finish one of your stories in a few days I am eagerly waiting for the next book in the Broken Magic series (loved all the Allie Beckstrom stories)!!

    I really don’t understand why it takes the publishers so long to get new books out especially with computers and the internet it is ridiculous. I hope you have already turned in the manuscript for the next episode.

    I thought I once read that you would also be doing some more stories about Stone. Loved that gargoyle. I also liked Cody, I know he will never be the same since he is healed but I hope you have alot more stories about the shinanigans that Stone gets into.

    your fan