Winners – Tin Swift!


There are now 2 (two) unclaimed copies of TIN SWIFT that I will be giving away here on my blog in a first-comments, first-wins speed giveaway around 3:00 PST.  I will post a NEW BLOG ENTRY titled: SPEED GIVEAWAY and the first two people to comment on *that* post will win the books.

Big thank you to everyone who entered this giveaway!  I loved all your comments, and can assure you that the pumpkin pie actually was good with a little chili powder in it–but only a little! I added extra cinnamon and a bit of sugar to balance it out and it was delicious!

Now…the random number generator has spoken and the winners of a signed, mass market TIN SWIFT are:

  • mneme – who said: Comment! Those are lovely looking pies! I’m very fond of adding chili pepper derivatives to sweet things, and think it’s totally underrated as a technique.
  • Jennifer Hill – who said: Love your steampunk series–have already read it twice am eagerly awaiting more installments! :)
  • Readsalot81 – who said: LOL I’m tempted to try that with the pumpkin pie! I like zip. I know The Blacklist isn’t that great of a show, but I’m a James Spader fan. He can pretty much do anything and I will watch everytime. The ending left some things up in the air (as you knew they would!) :D
  • rissatoo – who said: I think I have to try a chili powder pumpkin pie next time I bake them – the idea completely intrigues me! ;)
  • miki – who said: a good enders for a series? no not yet this yeari saw the last episode of the first season of “the killing” and i was so SO disappointed i’m not sure i will follow up it next time your pies made me hungry just by the pictures^^
  • Preethi  who said: I’m a very bad cook, but man, those pies look mouthwatering! I have read the first book- Dead Iron in your Age of Steam series, and I loved it. Interesting characters- I loved the Madder brothers, especially. I’ll have to read the second book, though. Soon. Thank you for giving us the chance to win:)
  • Andreea – who said: I loved the first book in the series so this would be a lovely gift. Thank you for the opportunity!
  • Sabrina – who said: Pumpkin spice pie and Supernatural sounds great! Im a long time Supernatural fan, and a Jensen Ackles fan since Dark Angel. I hope I didnt just show my age there. :P Thanks for making my TBR pile even larger. :D
  • Theresa Summers – who said: Pies or books, almost a tough choice.
  • Susan – who said: I really enjoyed reading Cold Copper, and I’m looking forward to reading Tin Swift.
  • jeff lageson – who said: I have a friend having a steampunk wedding. Would love to add this to the basket.

Congrats, winners! Please send me your mailing address by clicking on the little envelope button right there on the upper right of the blog page. If I don’t hear from winners by next Tuesday, I’ll do a speed giveaway.

Happy reading, everyone, and stay tuned–there are more giveaways to come!

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