House Immortal ARC givaway

Winners have been announced click here to see.

I have six (6!) shiny advance reader copies of HOUSE IMMORTAL, book #1 in my new trilogy, that I am giving away!

Things you should know:

This is what the ARCs look like:

arc house immortal 6

No pretty cover and plenty of pre-proof typos inside for your reading amusement. Here’s the pretty cover, just in case you missed it.

House Immortal.indd

HOUSE IMMORTAL comes out September 2nd, so winners of the ARC will be getting their hands on this book two and a half months early!

How do you win?

Leave a comment here on my blog and I will use the random number generator to choose six winners next Tuesday on June 24th before midnight PST.

Winners will have one week (until July 1st) to contact me via the little email button on my blog with their mailing address.

If winners don’t contact me, I will do a speed giveaway first-comments-first-wins of the remaining books Wednesday July 2nd, probably in the afternoon.

I will mail international.