Winners! House Immortal ARCs

A big thank you to readers for entering the giveaway for early copies of the first book in my new trilogy: HOUSE IMMORTAL.

I fired up the random number generator, and the winners are:

Tanya R. Monroe  who said: LOVED the Allie Beckstrom and Breakers books. Can’t wait to get my hands on this new series!!!

Jen Schaper who said: This sounds like a great new series! I’d love to win a copy :)

courtney who said: I love reading all of your books

Julie who said: Cool! I love ARCS, but then I’m a very impatient person by nature. :)

Diane Joy Baker who said: Twould be lovely to win. Sure like the cover; nice rifle she holds!

Tracey boyd who said: Thank you for the opportunity to read your new series. I have been a reader of your books for years!


Winners will have one week (until July 1st) to contact me via the little email button on my blog with their mailing address.

If winners don’t contact me, I will do a speed giveaway first-comments-first-wins of the remaining books Wednesday July 2nd, probably in the afternoon.

arc house immortal 6

My next giveaway will be in my not-quite quarterly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up for that yet, you can click on the SUBSCRIBE button top of the sidebar on my web page. The newsletter is full of news, free stories, exclusive sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes, goodies and giveaways.


  • Bruce Corson

    Really like your books ~ read everyone as they come out – this may sound crazy but forty years ago, i did use white magic – it was surprisingly close to your magic, only in cause not in the effect or resualt. I find you very inteligent [no personal interest but incrediable interest how you came up with Becky or your steam series magic (i am a 69 yr young Christian and truly enjoy your books). Thanks for making this old mans life a little bit better.
    God bless, love your books, bye, Bruce Corson jr

  • Jen Schaper

    I have sent you several messages with no response (also on Facebook). When can I expect to receive the book I won? I sent my shipping information the same day you posted the winners. Since I haven’t heard anything, I’m concerned that there is something wrong with the email system on your website. I didn’t want to post here, but I can’t seem to get an answer any other way…

    • Devon

      Hi Jen!

      I just looked through all my emails, spam filters, and Facebook direct messages and comments and don’t see any messages from you. I don’t know why they didn’t go through. When I don’t hear back from winners to claim their prize, I do a speed giveaway.

      Usually, I don’t have extra copies after I do the speed-giveaway…but this time I do! I can mail one ARC of House Immortal to you on Monday. I will need you to send me a mailing address. Here’s an alternative email to reach me at: devon_monk AT yahoo DOT com

      I’ll look for your message and reply as soon as I get it.

      All best, and sorry for the mix-up! Thanks for checking in on this.
